Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blog Assignment: Should Teens Be Tried As Adults?

In class we have been studying the juvenile court system.  Is it fair that teens be tried as adults?  The United States has been criticized and praised across the globe for their treatment of children and teens in the judicial system.  You have read articles in class discussing opinions from both sides of this issue.  Discuss your opinion on the blog.  Do you think teens should be tried as adults?  Use the graphic organizer from class to write your opinion on this issue.  Here are the requirements:

  1. Your response must be posted by Monday, December 1, 2014.
  2. You must first state your claim.
  3. Give at least three details to support your answer.  They must be EXPLAINED, NOT LISTED.  Make sure you do not repeat your reasons.
  4. Include your rebuttal statement.  State what the opposing side believes.  Give two reasons why you believe the opposing side's statement is wrong.
  5. Give a conclusion.
  6. Do not post anything inappropriate; use the same discretion you would if you were submitting a paper for class.
  7. This will count as a "mini-project" grade.
  8. If you post after the due date, points will be taken off for every day it is late.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. 

***Copies of the articles can be found on the W.J. Christian website on my teacher page.***


  1. I believe that sometimes kid's may not know what they're doing to where my answer is, no they should not be tried as an adult. In the article, it stated that two 10 year old's killed a 2 year old baby for fun. They most likely thought the baby would have fun, not knowing that the child would die. Some kid's will do certain thing's that they think is funny, but to others its not so funny. I remember seeing a video about a 10 year old boy was wrestling/ beating babies at a daycare. Now the boy might not have known the babies could get injured badly, or maybe even die. He might have done that with his friends and basically thought that he could do it with babies too.

    Other people may not have the same mind set as me. They probably think those children knew what they were doing, and that they should be charged as an adult. I think they're wrong because young kids have this mindset of, if they do certain things with their friends, then they can do that with everyone, including babies. Now I do think bullying some what has something to do with it because if a kid is getting abused at home, then they're gonna want those kid's, whose parents don't abuse them, to feel what they are feeling. Therefore, some kid's should not be charged as an adult if they are young because not all kid's know what they are doing, or right from wrong.

    1. Great use of details from the text. Make sure to proofread. Also, you were missing the required number of needed details in the first paragraph. Awesome argument!

  2. I don"t think kids should be tried as adults because they are probably not able to handle the other adult prisoners and their hardcore ways in jail. Even though they are able to tell right from wrong, they are not adults yet because teens and adults are completely different. Teens are not ready to witness the brutality of the adult jail. In my opinion, teens have to at least try a Juvenile Correctional Facility. The opposing side thinks that teens should be tried as adults because they are adults. Those people are wrong because teens aren't adults. Those people are also wrong because when teens are 18, they are eligible to drive, go anywhere they want, and everything in that nature. But, before that age, they are still in high school and still young. In conclusions, this is why I think teens shouldn't be tried as adults.

    1. Saniah,
      Excellent effort! I would like for you to work on explaining your reasons more. You could use examples and details from the text. Your argument is very well said!

  3. I believe what people say when they say that kids who kill should be locked up with adults. If they can do the adult crime then they can do the adult time. There is no reason kids who kill brutally should be put in juvenile with kids who haven't done as bad as they have done. Since they could kill an adult and protect themselves and handle themselves then they can do the same in jail with them. If you let them go in juvenile with a mild sentence then they will think that what they did wasn't really bad so they can do it again and just get the same little sorry excuse for a sentence. When you put them in the adult jail or prison then they will know that what they did was wrong and unless they have gone crazy or something then they will get out and not do it again. That's how you keep the streets clean of brutal and unsafe people such as the one who killed both of his step parents.

    He claimed that he was abused but there were no signs of abuse. So he got life in adult jail with no possibility of parole. Then he brought a friend with him so he won't be the only one to go down. Some people think that they shouldn't be put in jail for life because they are too young and don't know what they are doing but they know not to set the house on fire so they do know what to do. But if you do that then they won't learn anything. So like I said earlier we should not let people free when they do something that causes for adult offences.

    1. Wow Camron! Excellent argument. Just one thing: you started your second paragraph with "he", make sure to let the reader know what you are talking about. We know you are talking about the young man from the video, but if someone else were to read the blog, they would not know. This is very well written; great job!

  4. I believe that teens should be accountable for their actions and tried as adults.I say this because if you have the time to do the crime then you have the time to serve the (adult) sentence. If you do adult things such as killing and raping then you should get tried as an adult. As a teenager you have the mindset of an adult so you have a "guilty mind" which means you know what you're doing so therefore you should get tried as an adult. But some people believe that kids don't know any better and that they don't have any common sense. So they shouldn't get tried as an adult.

    1. Zyire, I really appreciate the effort here! However, you didn't follow my complete instructions. You were off to a great start but you did not fully develop your rebuttal and defend you stance against the rebuttal. Keep working at it!

  5. I believe that teens should be tried as adults.Once you are a teen you have been in the world long enough to know right from wrong. When you are a teenager and you drive you know not to run a red light. You should also know not to commit a crime such as murdering someone. I also believe that teens should be held accountable for their actions and tried as an adult. If a loved one was killed by a teen that is related to someone that think teens should not be tried as adults, I'm pretty sure they would want the teen killer to be tried as an adult. Teens should also be tried as an adult because if you have the time to take someone's life, you should have in your calender time to get tried as an adult.

    Some people say teens should not be tried as an adult. They say that because they think they are too young. I believe the rebuttal is wrong because when you are a teen you are close to being on your own just like an adult. I also think the rebuttal is wrong because if a teen kills someone it's still bad. Even if they were playing, the teen should know that what they are doing can seriously hurt or kill someone.
    If a teen kills someone they should absolutely be tried as an adult no matter what.

    1. Stanley, excellent job! Very well written AND well argued! I like how you explained your position and your rebuttal was well defended!

  6. I believe that teens should be tried as adults. My first claim being that most teens should now the consequences of what they do. I say this because if a teen has ever done anything dangerous as a child, then they should know not to do it when they get older. My second claim is that most teens choose to take matters into their own hands. You would expect a child to go and tell a responsible adult if they were being bullied or abused, but some kids take matters into their own hands. They end up hurting some one or even killing someone. My third and final claim is that teens should learn from their parents mistakes. Many parents have done many wrong things in their life that they tell their kids not to do, but they don't listen. Instead they go out into the world and do the same things heir parents did and end up in jail.

    Many people believe that teens/children shouldn't be charged as adults because they are just children and they are capable of learning from their parent's mistakes, but this is wrong for two reasons. Teens and young children shouldn't be doing anything dangerous in the first place and that most crimes committed by juveniles were the same crimes as adults, for instance murder, drug usage, and etc.

    Thus I say that teens should be tried as adults because they should have thought about the consequences of their action before doing them.

    1. Very nice job, Michael! You only had a couple of grammatical errors and this was well-written and well argued. The only thing is make sure to explain your reasons fully. When you talk about teens taking matters into their own hands, explains what can be the consequences when this happens. The same for your rebuttal, just explain in full detail. Otherwise, very well done!

  7. I think teens should be tried as adults because you would want the worst punishment possible for anyone who murders someone you love. Second, teens should have adult responsibilities by the age of 16. By that age, they should know that with adult responsibilities, come adult consequences. Third, everyone by the age of 7 or above has a guilty mind and they can tell right from wrong. Many people believe that juveniles shouldn't be tried as adults because they don't know any better. This statement is wrong because teens who have the audacity to kill, then they have the mindset of an adult. Also, they should be smart enough to know that you will go to jail if you kill and/or rape someone. Therefore, teens should be tried as adults if they commit adult crimes.

    1. Jeremy, I applaud your effort! Make sure to fully explain your reasons. For a couple of them you stated it but did not explain. The same with your rebuttal. This is well written, but you just need to make sure you give those details that will make your position very clear to the reader. Great job!

  8. I think that students should be tried as adults, because you don't just kill someone and not expect a punishment, and even though teens aren't adults doesn't meant they don't know what they are doing. You don't just accidentally pick up a gun and shoot someone. It doesn't matter how old you are, you commit an adult crime then you go to adult jail. When people say " She's small, she wouldn't do anything wrong, " they're wrong, anyone can commit a crime. Some people say that they shouldn't be tried, and that they don't know what they are doing, because they are so young, and their brains aren't developed fully. This is wrong, because if they do the crime then they should know that harming others is bad. Another reason that this is wrong is because if you're at least 9, then you should know what a crime is. To conclude, kids and teens should be tried as adults, because their brains are fully developed and fully functional.

    1. Mariyah, great effort! Next time I definitely want you to explain your reasons more. You listed several of them, but you didn't fully explain it. Make sure to use the graphic organizer to do this next time. I really appreciate your effort, keep up the good work!

  9. I believe that a teen should tried as adult. If a child has been raised correctly then he or she should know right from wrong . They say that at the age of 7 a child has a guilty mind. Also a child that murders your love one you would want to serve the worst punishment not just serve 5 years and get to life their life when the one you loved no longer has one. As stated in the article that if child a child grows up and doesn't remember what they did that means that they didn't fully comprehend what they were doing, not true .For example , I don't remember what I ate for lunch doesn't mean that I didn't know I was eating or didn't intend to eat. So that's why I say that why I think that kids who commit adult crimes should be tried as adults.

    1. Good job Zoe! Great argument, just next time make sure to explain your reasons more. You have listed a couple but not explained them fully. Also, make sure when you are giving the other side's point of view, you let us know explicitly, such as "others believe" or something to that effect. Last, make sure to give me all of the required examples and supporting details. Good job!

  10. I do believe that kids should be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes. If you know right from wrong, and you do a adult crime you should get charged as a adult because you know the difference. if you killed my sibling I would want you get charged as an adult because you don't know how it feels not to see my sibling anymore. If I can't do anything I want to do to you then the law should do it for me. Teens should get tried as a adult for doing drugs because they are doing bad things to their body. They should get tried because drugs can kill you any day.

    On the other hand people think teens/ kids should not be charged as adults. I believe this is wrong because if you have been living on this earth for about 8-13 years you have brains and common sense not to commit a crime. Trying kids/teens as adults is not wrong because if you have did an adult crime you should suffer the consequence for your actions as getting a adult sentence. I am saying that I do believe that kids should be tried as a adult because if you have commited a adult crime you should get adult time.

    1. WOW!!! Excellent argument Machiah! Very well-written and well argued. You explained your details well, you didn't just list them. Also, your arguments to the rebuttal was relevant and your arguments were valid! Excellent job!!!

  11. I feel that students know what their doing when they become of age, so my answer is yes I believe that teens should be tried as adults. If teens are tried as adults they will know that even know your a child their are punishments for your actions. I understand that the teens are young but their punishment should match their crime. If you do the crime you do the time! People are saying that they’re children they’ll learn from their mistakes without jail. Well I’m a child and I know that if we’re not punished correctly we will keep making the same mistakes. Children have to be trained, molded to do the right thing it doesn’t just happen out of nowhere. Parents should also be punished for their childs crime, If a child is stealing, smoking, and drinking you know something had to have been going on for the child to think it’s okay to do that kind of stuff. Their going to think just because this popular person did it it’s cool to do that. So if a child wants to act like an adult treat them like one.
    Shelby Harmon 7C

    1. Great effort Shelby! I would have liked for you to develop your answers more, In other words, do not list your reasons, explain them! For instance, all of your reasons to support your claim are not fully explained. Make sure to proofread!

  12. I believe teens should be tried as adults. One reason would be how juvenile criminal are not special. I say this because first degree murder will be first degree murder no matter who commits it. Another reason would be how teens should be held accountable for their actions. You know you would want someone to go to jail if they killed a close friend or family member of yours. They should also know better. They could learn from their parent's mistakes.

    Others believe that kids shouldn't be trialed as adults because they are too young. Kids do know what they are doing is the first reason why I disagree with those people. If two ten year old kids murdered a two year old baby while having fun, then the just might be sick in the head. My other reason would be how their brains are developed. With the two ten year old kids killing the baby, they had a guilty mind which is developed at the age of eight. Therefore, I believe teens should be tried as adults.

    1. Excellent job, Cameron! First of all, this was VERY well- written! Also, you gave me an explanation for every detail. You were "to the point" in the explanations, good job! Also, you refuted the other side's argument beautifully!

  13. My beliefs prove that yes, minors should be tried as adults. It is important that the minor is punished rationally. To support this opinion, I will use personal experience, dealing with the classroom system. If a student is talking in your classroom, and continues, after you've spoken to them numerous times, you would give that student detention, not a warning. Situations where there is a lenient and easier consequence to an action, not just a minor, but anyone of any age would choose to do that same foolish offense over and over, and maybe even step it up a notch, but because they think they can get away with it. This is exactly what minors that are put in juvenile detention centers consider when doing crimes. My second point is that there is really no such thing as an adult crime. A crime is a crime, and if a minor commits this so-called 'adult crime', it's not an adult crime, it's a baby crime, an adolescent crime, a teenager crime, an adult crime, an elderly crime, it might as well be a Martian crime. To me, a crime is a crime, and if jail time is what you need, don't take them to the kiddie jail. Let them experience what it's like to be in real jail facility, and what the consequences are. My third point is that no matter how you're brought up in life, and the influences around you, you should know right from wrong, and know that you don't have to live a life of foolishness, lies, and crime. In my eyes, everyone, of all ages have a guilty mind. You know what you're doing, the consequences that come along with it, and how wrong and deceitful what you're doing is, so no matter who influences you, no one told you to be a criminal. You can stop yourself, but you chose not to.

    Others believe that kids should be tried as adults, and they mostly say that it lack human morals to put a child in jail, or they might use the excuse of who is around the child, and they act this way because of who are around them, or because they're under peer pressure. Some people may also say that the minors can't handle the ways of jail, and the other inmates. My opinion on this is that if a child chooses to break the law by committing a heinous crime, then they deserve a taste of what criminals get. If they can't handle it, so be it. They led themselves to where they are in life, and chose a life of crime, instead of leading a life of success. Also, even if the child is under peer pressure, there are many ways that this child can speak up and resist; it doesn't matter to me, they can beat you and jump you to make you rob a bank, but that fear in your spirit and soul should not cause you to follow the footsteps to failure, because that's what crime leads you to. Failure. Also, if the minors can't handle the behavior and actions of other inmates in jail, there's a simple solution that they should have thought of way before they did what they did, which is the thought of: 'Maybe I shouldn't do this.", or, "This isn't right....".

    Therefore, I absolutely, positively, definitely, affirmatively believe that minors should be tried as adults. You reap what you sow, kids.

    1. Dasia, EXCELLENT JOB!!! This is extremely well argued! Your details and explanations are very thorough and relevant. Thank you for going over and beyond with this argumentative piece. This is the type of work that I want to see from all students! Great job!!!

  14. Should an child get tried as an adult in the court of law? I'm actually on the fence about the topic at hand. As I think about it and read about it I think of me. I understand that a child's mind is immature at a young age and we don't think things all they way through like adults. Peer pressure is way greater at this day in age than it was back in my mom time. You have more children being raised in a single family home and more mom's are out of the home providing for their families which leads the youth to find love in the streets. We(youth) are more inclined to give in to that peer pressure and be more loyal to our friend than to listen to the things that we were taught. My cousin right now is awaiting trial to see if he will be charged as an adult for robbery and attempt murder. Now my cousin committed the crime and I know for a fact my auntie always tell him to do what's right. But at the end instead of listening to his mother and thinking about where his actions will land him, he decided to commit the crime. Should he be charged as an adult. Yes. He was taught right for wrong. And he has to learn that this lifestyle is not the way to go. My mom tell me every morning (no matter if I want to hear it or not) " you live or die by the choices you make". We have to choose better choices. you cant go and take the life of another for just fun and think that you or no one else will suffer. So I guess I'm off the fence, Yes a teen should be tried as an adult if that's the punishment the crime seeks. So in conclusion, many feel that a kid is to immature to take full responsibility for their action but the law is the law and a life is a life. What ever is the maximum penalty for the crime then that child, teen or even adult should be punished too the full level of the law even if it means being treated as an adult.

    1. This is India Daniels Mrs. Yancie I had to use my momma google account.

    2. AWESOME ARGUMENT!!! Even though you say you are on the fence, you defended it well, so that I, as the reader, am also able to see both sides to the argument. In that way, this was a persuasive piece as well, great job! This is very well written and you explained all of your details thoroughly. Keep up the good work!

  15. I think teens/kids should be trailed as adults.

    I say this because first, teens are old enough to know what they are doing. They shouldn't make excuses about their age(s) sympathy or for what they did. Their minds are developed enough to know right form wrong. Second, taking someone's life isn't right so why shouldn't theirs live be taken away as well ? They should be guilty and serve LIFE in prison because they obviously didn't want theirs. Third, if you was the victims mother would you want you child's killer to be free ?

    Others think that teens/kids shouldn't be trailed as adults.One reason I think this statement is wrong is because why should a killer and or murder be free to live life ? They might go out and kill more people but just because of age they are free. Another reason why I think this statement is wrong because we as kids should make better choices and if we choose to kill we should be held accountable for our own actions.

    In conclusion teens/kids should be trailed as adults.

    1. Great job! This is a really well-written argumentative piece. A couple of notes to consider: make sure to fully explain your reasons. Your third reason and the second reason for your rebuttal were not explained as thoroughly as the others. Also, proofread! Otherwise, very well done!

  16. I believe teens/kids should be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes. The 1st reason I believe teens/kids should be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes is because they need to be held accountable for their actions they know if it is an adult crime then they will serve adult time and if they don’t know that they need to get to finding out. The 2nd reason I believe teens/kids should be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes is because if I knew somebody who hurt or killed someone I loved, I would want them to get the worst possible punishment for their actions. I would love that person that was killed or hurt so much I wouldn’t care who they are if they killed my loved ones I would want them to have the worst punishment available. The 3rd reason I believe teens/kids should be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes is because the court is basically blind folded so they don’t see race, color, age, religion, and gender. This means they shouldn’t see if it’s a kid or an adult they should only look at the evidence and the crime.

    Others believe that teens/kids should not be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes. The 1st reason they believe teens/kids should not be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes is because they will be taken into rehab, but rehab probably won’t help a murderer, rapist or even a drug dealer. The 2nd reason they believe teens/kids should not be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes is because they really don’t know what they are doing because their brains have not fully developed but, I believe that they have since enough to know right from wrong. In conclusion teens/kids should be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes because they need to be held accountable for their actions, if I knew somebody who hurt or killed someone I loved, I would want them to get the worst possible punishment for their actions and the court is basically blind folded so they don’t see race, color, age, religion, and gender.

    1. Great argument, Micaiah! This is a great argumentative piece! It is extremely well written and your use of details and explanations are on point!!! My only corrections would be to proofread for grammatical errors, such as using numbers instead of spelling out the words. Anything under 10, you spell out. Otherwise, excellent job!!!

  17. I think teens should be tried as adults. My first reason is because since they are past eight years old, they are considered "guilty minded". They know what they did and need to take full responsibility for their action. My second reason is that they will still be walking the streets. If they get out in jail we won't have to worry about them walking around or sitting in their house plotting who to kill next. My final reason is that they won't learn from their mistake. They will think it's okay to commit a crime and not be disciplined. Other people believe kids shouldn't be tried as adults in any circumstances. I disagree with this statement because by the age of eight, they are considered "guilty minded", as in they know what they are responsible for doing. My final reason for disagreeing with their opinion is because these two 10 year olds killed a baby eight years older younger than them, and you think they shouldn't get tried as an adult? If they don't go to jail, then they will think killing others that's younger or even older than them for "fun" is cool. This is why I think teens should be tried as adults.

    1. Kenyah, I think this was very well done. You had valid and relevant arguments. They were short and to the point, but I feel like you could have gone into a little more explanation on a couple of them. Then, I would have really seen how well you connected with the material. But other than that, you did a great job! Keep it up!

  18. I believe if a juvenile commits an adult crime, it is reasonable to try them as an adult. If they have enough courage to commit an adult crime, then have enough courage to suffer the repercussions. When you are doing badly, your mindset has to be up to no good. Even a criminal thought can change their life; if the thoughts turn into actions, the consequences should fit. The consequences she be appropriate for the offense; guilty minds receive guilty reactions. When I put myself in the victim's or family shoes, what would I feel? If my love one is dead, I would feel as though they’re confused and need much time to think. That time thinking would be done in prison. Yes, I do believe in second chances and forgiveness, but I also believe in discipline and results. I would say “40 years need to be spent in prison and then you may be permitted to parole. While sitting in jail, counseling sessions should have been done; you can open up about your feelings and receive the guidance that is clearly needed. I agree with Jessica Wilde; morals are inherited from birth. Your mom and dad cannot stress enough on their life experience. They’ll say” Don’t do this… and don’t do that …” Sometimes it isn’t what they say don’t, but more of what they guide and expect you to do. Either way, the proper parents want the best for you, and want your life to be extraordinary. Is jail that extraordinary way?
    On the other hand, some disagree; they say” Juveniles should not be tried as adults.” When juvenile commits an adult crime, giving them short sentences and being lenient won’t help them. A child has much to learn and grow form. You’re only as good as your life lessons. If you are not given challenges or consequences, you are not prepared for the advance life, where anything can happen. Always taking the easy way out will hit hard when you can’t escape an average problem. No life lesson will be learned, and you’ll clueless to what hit you. Another reason is if you serve a short sentence, there hasn’t been much taught. Your thinking process was cut entirely too short; when you are being punished, much thought should follow. Serving such a short sentence wouldn’t benefit you. Most likely, you will find yourself serving another short sentence because of how easy it may feel. Basically it’s reasonable to try a juvenile as an adult based on their crime.

    1. Brandi, this is a wonderful example of how to do an argumentative piece! Congratulations on a job well done! The points you made as well as your response to the rebuttal were excellent! Your writing is an example of how you support an argument with thorough details! The only thing I want to remind you of is to break this up into two paragraphs next time. EXCELLENT JOB!!!

  19. I believe that teenagers under the age of 20 should be charged as adults. Major crimes like homicide or robbery is an adult crime and they should serve time in prison for at least a couple of years. Children or teens should never be excused of murder or any crime. If a child murdered a loved one, I'd want them to face the worst possible punishment. They should not be excused of it.

    Some people say that kids should not be tried as adults because they won't "remember it" or that they lack of human morals. I disagree with the statement "They won't remember" because why wouldn't they? People should always remember the time they killed someone - Even if they have a young undeveloped brain. The bad memories stay and follow you. I also think that children do not lack human morals; that is unless their parent didn't raise them right. (Parents always claimed the did so.) Common sense should be learned at least in the 3rd grade, not at 13.

    Finally, it doesn't matter of your age, if you're a criminal, you are a criminal. Teens committing crimes in the adult nature should be punished or serve jail time.

    1. Good effort, Bryanna! Your writing is strong. The only thing I would suggest is next time make sure you are not just listing the reasons, such as in your first paragraph. Make sure to explain your reasons, you did this more in the last paragraph.

  20. I think that teens/kids should be tried as adults because they know the crimes that they are committing. At this point of time,teens know right from wrong so they shouldn't be able to say it was an accident or they didn't mean to do it. They know that the have picked up a weapon and killed someone. Secondly, I think if you do the crime, you do the time. If an teen/kid has the audacity to kill, they must be punished by going to prison. Finally, teens have certain thoughts at certain ages. If a minor murders someone and only does a few years in prison, they have another opportunity to kill again. Others think that teens shouldn't be charged as adults but as a juvenile because they are young. If a criminal killed someone I cared about I would want them to go to prison. In my opinion, this is wrong because a child knows his/her actions. In the opposing article, it talks about two 10 year old killing a 2 year old for fun. They know what the did, but they did it anyway. Secondly, the opposing writer talks about how those two boys won't remember what they did. Everyone remembers what they do. By the age of six, the things that happened to you are never forgotten. I know that kids watch a lot of crime shows and think about killing and they actually go and do it. When you think about it, know one tells them to do it so they can't blame anyone but themselves. This is my response to why I think teens should be tried as adults because if you are a killer, you are a criminal which means there are adult consequences.

    Deana Williams - 7C

    1. Wow! Excellent job! This is very well written and argued. Your points are said well, are relevant, and are explained in detail. Next time, make sure to break this up into two paragraphs.

  21. I believe that teens should be trialed as adults. I say that because everybody has a brain. Everybody more than likely were taught right from wrong. That allows them to have a guilty mind. They could have stop themselves at any time before doing or trying to do a crime. The teens know what they are doing. Their is never a reason to do any crime. not even it was because of abuse in your life. They should be held accountable for their actions and tried as adults. When someone they knew personally just died and they knew who the killer was they would do something. They would probably try to avenge and kill the person which is not an apt decision. That is why they deserve to have penal. No matter what crime you do, you did it.I don't think age matters if you are able to think on your own.
    Some people believe that teens should not be tried as adults. That is where they are really wrong. If you do the crime, you do the time. That is what I heard. everybody needs to learn their lesson. Two kids literally killed a baby for fun. I mean who does that? That is a good reason for me to put children in jail. Teens are capable of doing the right thing. They say to stop trying to put teens in jail. I say stop teens from doing the crime to go to jail in the first place.

    In conclusion I believe that teens should undoubtedly be tried as adults.

    Chasen Threatt 7B

    1. Great job and effort Chasen Threatt! You have some great ideas in this piece. However, make sure you have three distinct points in the first paragraph and two for the second. You are repeating yourself in some instances. You are explaining the same point, make sure to give different ones. Also, proofread!!!

  22. I think kids should be tried as adults when they do crimes.I feel if a child is big,brave,and bold enough to do a crime they should be able to face the time.I was reading in the article where it said the two ten year olds killed a 2 year old I think they should be tried as adults because they knew exactly what they were doing.These kids are in 5th grade they have plenty of common sense.I would know better,my 9 year old brother would know better,and so would my 7 year old cousin.Children are very smart in their own little way so if a child is smart enough to do a crime why can't they pay the price for it?

    The opposing side who says kids shouldn't be tried as adults are wrong because kids have way more common sense then they are put out to have.I don't understand why people think its right that kids can do a crime and get away with it.If a child can do a big crime and get away with it then other kids are going to do the same thing and think they can get away with it to and then we are going to have a world full of criminal kids.

    It is not right that kids can do adult crimes and not do adult time if the kid was grown enough to do a crime when its time to go to trial they should be treated like an adult.

    1. Good job Aerial! This is argued well and your point comes through loud and clear. This is important in an argumentative piece. However, make sure to proofread. You need to put spaces after commas and periods. Also, in the first paragraph and in the second, you are tending to argue the same point instead of having three (and two for the rebuttal) distinct points. Next, time make sure watch out for this because it could read as being repetitive. Overall, this was well done!

  23. I believe that teens should be tried as adults , if adults get put in jail for stuff they do , so should teens. If the teen isn't charged they will most likely do it again. If adults get charged and put in jail for what they committed ,so should teens. Basically teens and adults are the sane , they are doing the same things or already did it , but living different lifestyles. You shouldn't say " the reason I did this is because my parents abused me " . Really dude ! Many people thinks that teens shouldn't be tried as adults ; they may be right . the first reason I think my answer is wrong is because their parents has nothing but still something to do with their actions and the way they do stuff . My second reason is that punishments, spankings, abusing , and other stuff has nothing to do with you walking around committing crimes and taking people lives. This is why I think teens should be tried as adults .

    1. Good effort, Kiara. You need to make sure to follow the directions for the assignment though, use the graphic organizer. You were supposed to have two paragraphs. Also, you have some good points in here, but you do not have the required amount of points that should have been made. Make sure to do this next time. Proofread for grammar errors (i.e., spaces after commas) and spelling. You really have the beginnings for an excellent argument, just make sure to follow directions. Again, great effort!

  24. Yes! I absolutely agree that teens should be tried as adults! The kids are “guilty minded”. When they turn 8 in most states they are considered to have a guilty mind. This means they know what’s right and they know what’s wrong. Since they are guilty minded they should most definitely get charged as an adult for they’re crime. If you want to be a big, bad person and commit a crime the juvenile/court system should give you a major sentence for whatever the crime was. For example if you are 17 and go all around the world killing people then I think you should get tried and charged as an adult. The victim’s family and/or the victim will suffer for an extended period of time. Because of this, the suspect(s) should get tried as an adult. I think they should get tried as an adult because they committed the crime on purpose. Even if it was a mistake then they still should be tried as an adult so next time (if they have a chance to live) they will think about it before they go to an unsafe place where a crime might take place.

    Some people believe teens shouldn’t be tried as adults because they’re brains aren’t fully developed. Some people believe that courts and judicial systems should stop putting teens in adult prison; they believe that the teens should get a more lenient and easier sentence. I disagree with those people because if you commit an adult crime you should do adult time. If you don’t want possibilities of being in jail for life don’t commit the crime. Some people say that the teen’s brains aren’t fully developed therefore they shouldn’t be charged as an adult. However, I disagree with them. If people say that the teen(s) brain(s) isn’t fully developed then why does the law say that at the age of 8 you have a guilty mind? If an eight year old has a guilty mind there is no way you can say that a 16 year old brain isn’t developed.
    I believe teens should be tried as adults; if you do an adult crime you should do adult time.
    Yes! I absolutely agree that teens should be tried as adults! The kids are “guilty minded”. When they turn 8 in most states they are considered to have a guilty mind. This means they know what’s right and they know what’s wrong. Since they are guilty minded they should most definitely get charged as an adult for they’re crime. If you want to be a big, bad person and commit a crime the juvenile/court system should give you a major sentence for whatever the crime was. For example if you are 17 and go all around the world killing people then I think you should get tried and charged as an adult. The victim’s family and/or the victim will suffer for an extended period of time. Because of this, the suspect(s) should get tried as an adult. I think they should get tried as an adult because they committed the crime on purpose. Even if it was a mistake then they still should be tried as an adult so next time (if they have a chance to live) they will think about it before they go to an unsafe place where a crime might take place.

    Some people believe teens shouldn’t be tried as adults because they’re brains aren’t fully developed. Some people believe that courts and judicial systems should stop putting teens in adult prison; they believe that the teens should get a more lenient and easier sentence. I disagree with those people because if you commit an adult crime you should do adult time. If you don’t want possibilities of being in jail for life don’t commit the crime. Some people say that the teen’s brains aren’t fully developed therefore they shouldn’t be charged as an adult. However, I disagree with them. If people say that the teen(s) brain(s) isn’t fully developed then why does the law say that at the age of 8 you have a guilty mind? If an eight year old has a guilty mind there is no way you can say that a 16 year old brain isn’t developed.
    I believe teens should be tried as adults; if you do an adult crime you should do adult time.

    1. AWESOME!!! You leave no doubt on your position in this argument, but the great thing is it is extremely well argued and supported. You use details well and they are relevant. Just make sure to watch for some spelling errors but that isn't even enough to take away from the fact that this is an excellent argumentative piece!!!

  25. Yes, I absolutely believe teenagers should be tried as adults. What is the purpose of committing a crime if you don't want to suffer the consequences? Teenagers should be held accountable for their actions. A person loses their life and their family is repaid by giving the murderer an easy sentence because they were young. That is not fair! The person committing the crime should know the difference between right and wrong no matter their age. Teenagers should not even have their minds on committing crimes, especially major ones. They can't think doing whatever they want to do without thinking of others is okay. For example, if a baby threw something and hit his mother, then he/ she should be punished. Without a punishment, he/she will never learn right from wrong. Eventually he/she will think they can do anything and won't be penalized for it. I know some children are growing up without parents to teach them things. However, some things we just learn automatically.
    There are some people who believe teenagers shouldn't be tried as adults. Most of them wouldn't feel that way if it was the other way around and their loved one was the one who was killed. They would want the murderer to receive the worst punishment. The most common excuse criminals have is "my parents didn't teach me". That may be true but it doesn't matter if your parents didn't teach you. There are some rules that just come with life such as: "Treat people the way you want to be treated" or "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Those are lessons I hear constantly from adults around me, not just my parents. You need to be willing to learn from your mistakes. I don't believe in getting the easy way out. If the teenager did something extremely bad, then they need to be prepared for a harsh sentence. I don't see the difference between an adult committing a crime and juvenile committing that same crime. The juvenile made a an adult decision so he or she deserves the same punishment as the adult. Therefore, I believe teenagers should be tried as adults if the crime fits. It doesn't matter how old you are. If you did the crime, you do the time.

    1. Very well said, Kyndal!!! Excellent writing! This is an excellent example of an argumentative piece that is well supported and uses your own thinking as well as that from the text. This is exactly what I was looking for! Great job!!!

  26. I believe teenagers should be tried as adults. Teenagers know the difference between right and wrong. This is something everyone learns as they live. You learn this just by living each day and being around other people. We all have a conscious that lets us know when we are not doing the right thing. When a teenager is about to commit a crime their conscious lets them know that it is not right. However, the teenager makes a decision to do the wrong thing. As we get older, we get more responsibilities. Sometimes teenagers try to move to fast and take on responsibilities that adults have which often gets them in trouble. They get in trouble because they are trying to do things they are not prepared for and are not ready for. When you make adult decisions then you should be ready for adult consequences such as life in prison. Some teenagers do not have adults around to teach them but this is not an excuse. They should remember the law of treating people the way you want to be treated. If you do not want anyone to hurt, steal, or kill you, then you should not hurt, steal, or kill anyone else. My dad always talks about reaping and sowing. If you put good things out then good things will come back to you. If you put bad things out then bad things come back to you. There are consequences for everything we do.
    There are some people who do not believe teenagers should be tried as adults. They believe they are too young and did not understand what they did. Many times these people are not the people who have been harmed by the teen. They do not understand the pain of the people who lost someone or something because of a teenager. They do not know how it feels to have the shoe on the other foot. I know sometimes teenagers may murder someone because the person was trying to murder them. However, being tried as adult will give them a chance to go to court and tell their side of the story. The court will decide whether they are telling the truth or not and give them a punishment that fits the crime they did. In conclusion I believe teenagers should be tried as adults and face the consequences of making an adult decision that they knew was wrong.

    1. Excellent job, Kristian! I love the part about "reaping and sowing"! This was used correctly to support your argument, as was your other supporting details. Your details and explanations were relevant and extremely well written. The same can be said for your rebuttal. It's obvious great time, thought, and effort was put into this piece! Well done!

  27. I think teens shouldn't be tried as an adult, because people make mistake and should always be given a second chance. I'm not saying they should be free but at least do therapy for there anger. I just can't sit around and start labeling people if I don't have all the details. I would be very angry if I had to go to prison because they couldn't get the facts straight. I understand " you do the crime you pay the time" but really it's a child for crying out loud. Others think since they murder they have to go to prison. Not really I would rather prefer to go to juvenile hall than to go to prison. Why would you send a child to prison for half there life or there whole life. It seems to me that they want to be done with the trial so they can sweep it under the rug. You would have to be a cruel person not to go all the way with evidence and give them a less sentence. All I have to say is people deserve a second chance the question is would you be willing to give it to them.

    1. Good effort, Tyannia! You have the beginnings of a great argumentative piece here. I say the beginnings because you did not complete all of the directions. You listed some reasons and did not explain them. This would have led you to having more than one paragraph (you were supposed to have two!) and some deeper thought. I know you can do it, just by what you have here. So a great beginning, next time take it a bit further. Also, make sure to stay relevant and on topic and to proofread.

  28. I believe that teens, who commit serious adult crimes, should be tried as adults in court. says that, “Not all juveniles should be tried as adults for lesser crimes.” I am using this as my first supportive detail because is saying exactly what I’m saying; just in a different way. What is not saying, is that teens who commit serious adult crimes should be tried as adults. In my claim, what is not being said is that teens who commit lesser criminal crimes should not be tried as adults. If a 15 year old boy is arrested for stealing a bag of chips from a gas station, then he shouldn’t be tried as an adult in court because, even though this is a criminal offense, this particular crime is not as serious of a crime as if that same 15 year old boy was a serial killer and killed 50 plus people. Even though he is still a minor, for this particular crime this would be a major criminal offense, and he should be tried as an adult. If you have the ability and will to commit and adult crime, then you should have the ability to suffer the consequences of an adult. Your teenage years are when you have to start making difficult decisions, have more freedom, and start to have adult responsibilities. So what you choose to do with your life is what you choose, but you have to be able to be accountable for your actions. asked, “Why should juveniles be treated any different than adults when the crimes they are committing are every bit as heinous as adult crimes?” I am using this as my second supportive detail because that question is the line between insiders and outsiders. The opposing side argues that these teens are so young, and they have the rest of their life to change. By the age of 8 years old, you have a guilty mind, and you know the difference between right and wrong. No one can force you to commit a crime unless they are threatening your life, or the people you love. Accountability is in all aspects of your life. For example, if a 16 year old teen murders their best friends mom, dad, sister, brother, and grandmother, and you were the victim’s family wouldn’t you want justice? Or would you have mercy because of the age of the teen and ask the judge to shorten the sentence? If you do the crime; you have to do the time. asked, “How would you feel if you never got to see your child alive again while their killer served only a short sentence before being released from jail?” I am using this as my third supportive detail because it supports my second argument about insiders and outsiders. I know I would feel that justice was not served fully, and I would be in a outrage if the killer of my child didn’t serve all the years they were supposed to. For example, If someone brutally murdered my mom and dad and they were charged with 2nd degree murder, but only got 8 years in jail, I would be highly displeased, irritated, and angry. The opposing argues that teens should not be tried as adults because they are capable of learning from their mistakes and they can be rehabilitated. My first reason why I disagree with this rebuttal statement is because even though these teens can learn from their mistakes, what’s stopping them from committing another crime. In the end, it’s their choice and will. What if they don’t want to learn from their mistakes? What if they want to be a criminal, then what? My second reason why I disagree with this rebuttal statement is because it’s not fair that teens get shorter jail sentences because of their age. Regardless of their age, if they commit a serious adult crime, then they need to serve the adult time. Especially if you know what you’re doing, and you have no type of mental disorder. In conclusion, I believe that teen who commit serious adult crimes should be tried as adults in court. If you do the crime, you need to do the time.

    1. WOW, Summer! This is what I'm talking about! Just putting your huge effort to the side, this is a well argued and supported argumentative piece! I can say no more...but I will! Your use of the text as well as your own ideas are superb!!! Keep up the GREAT work!!!

  29. I think that kids should not be tried as adults because if he kids go to juvenile they have a chance to get better and start new, which jessica wilde is obviously against. I agree with this because it is like when a child draws on a wall , you warn them before you beat them. They would also argue that the same violent crimes would be commited if they were just put into juvenile detention center because they do not dicipline the kids enough. Then also it depends on the age and the crime because if you are five ears old and you commit a crime then you shouldnt be sent to adult jail , I belive that you shouldnt be sent to any jail. Other people belive that kids should be tried as adults when thy commit adult crimes because they say that nothing is special about kids that they can do a adult crime and not get adult time. They also say that kids and aults know right from wrong . They say to put yourself in a mother position , if your child was killed how would you want the killer to ne punished. My final thought is that kids should not be tried as adults

    1. Good effort, Sydney! I think you have a grasp of what both sides want, and where you stand, but there is just a little bit of an issue with the communication of it. Make sure to proofread. I can see what side you are on just based on what you said in the opening sentence, but then I get confused when you are explaining your reasoning. Some of the explanations are murky, and I am not sure if they are relevant. This is not a hard thing to fix, I think all you need is to proofread, or have someone else check it over for you. There is nothing wrong with a second set of eyes!

  30. I do think teens should be tried as adults.Teens should know the consequences for their actions. If a teenager killed a person they should know that is illegal and their going to jail. Teens learn about the law in school so know can say they don't know what their doing. People think we should be lenient with teens. They say this because don't know what their doing. If a teen killed your child you would want them in jail for life not a few years. Some people say teens should have less time in jail than adults. I find this unfair because if a 16 year old and a 30 year old both killed someone they should the same amount of time in jail. The 30 year old shouldn't be in jail for life while the 16 year old has a few years. They did the same crime so they should the same amount of time in jail.

    Other people think teens shouldn't be tried as adults. People feel this way because teens brains can't comprehend what their doing. Teens should know not to kill someone or rob a bank because they should know they will go to jail. Another reason people say teens shouldn't be tried as adults is because of a lack of human morals. Teens shouldn't need human morals to know right from wrong. They should know if you kill someone then they are going to jail. This is why I think tens should be tried as adults.

    1. Great job! This is argued well and is very well written. I would just say to proofread next time or have someone do it for you. You have some spelling issues that makes a couple sections hard to understand. Otherwise, your arguments are sound and relevant (except, I think you do need morals to know right from wrong, but this is my opinion!), and I applaud the effort here! Again, great job!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I think teens should be tried as adults. The reason why I say that is because they
    know right from wrong, which is a "guilty mind". They know when and when not to do
    things. In school, they have been taught about the law, so therefore there should be no
    excuse as to why they have done something unless they have proof. Another reason why I say that is because teens should be able to control their actions. For example, if a 16 year old was to rob a 50 year old man, stab him, then shoot him, that teen should be charged as an adult because he/she didn't control their actions. Also I believe that
    teens should be charged as adults for committing adult crimes because they can do
    any crime that can take someone's life. No one can lead the blame but themselves. In
    my opinion, if a teen has the time to commit an adult crime, then they have time to
    serve the time. This is why I think teens should be charged as adults.
    The opposing side believes that teens should not be charged as an adult. They
    believe that teens are not able to control their mind from doing something accidental
    or on purpose. Also they think that teens can not handle all the consequences that
    are coming towards them. For the opposing side, teens should not be under a lot of stress with consequences they cannot handle.The opposing side also believes that teens do not have to serve the time that adults have to serve. The opposing side also thinks that teens should have another chance because they have to learn from their actions. This is what the opposing side thinks.
    In the first paragraph it talks about why I believe that teens should be tried as adults. It gives supporting details on why I think that teens should be charged as adults. The second paragraph talks about the opposing side and why teens shouldn't be charged as adults for committing adult crimes.

    1. Excellent job, Camryn! You had a couple of formatting issues, but it does not take away from the fact that this was well argued and fully supported. Great job on your rebuttal and closing paragraph! Keep up the good work!

  34. I believe that teens should be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes because there are consequences to your actions. If you are man or woman enough to do something horrible like murder, you should be man or woman enough to take the consequence. My second reason is that people who commit crimes are criminals. There is no excuse for committing a crime like murder unless your life is in danger. People who are criminals must be punished. My last reason is that if the case is brutal enough, you should get life in prison. I know it sounds harsh, but lets say you are 7 years old and you viciously stab and shoot the person to death, do you not deserve it. To me, life means life.

    Some say that kids don't know better and have no common sense or brains, well I'm here to tell you that they do know better. By that age they would have a guilty mind and know right from wrong so this statement is untrue. Their statement is also wrong because if some teen killed a friend or relative of yours, wouldn't you want them to get the worst punishment the court had? Your anger would fill you and you would want that person in jail; this is where life means life comes in. They took a life now it's their time to pay the price. This is why teens should be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes.

    1. Brenden, this is what I'm talking about!!! Excellent job! This is how I want this to be argued, well done!!! Your points are well made, but most importantly well supported and explained! It appears that you used the graphic organizer the way I wanted it to be used. Great job!!! Keep up the good work!!!

  35. America has started charging teens as adults in court. I think this is the right thing to do. Teenagers are becoming growing adults so they should know the consequences of their actions. Age doesn't really matter the crime is the only thing that matters. Most teens think that their actions aren't a big deal because they are teenagers but that isn't true because a teenager is close to being an adult. If you are really young and you stab someone it had to be on purpose because you don't just repeatedly hurt someone with a knife for no reason.

    Another reason I believe teens should be tried as adults is because if a teen and an adult commit the same crime and the adult gets life in prison but the teen only gets a few years in jail is not fair. Some people say kids/teens shouldn't be tried as adults because they are too young. In my opinion,this is not true. It is not true because teens are going to juvie for murder, attempted murder, etc. and they say it was just an accident but it really wasn't. Some teens are getting the privilege to only get a few years in jail (depending on the crime) but they committed the same crime as the adult but the adult doesn't always get time out of jail. If you cant do the time don't do the crime?

    1. This is very well done, Mia! Good job! This is well written and argued as well. Make sure to proofread for comma placement, but it in no way takes away from the points you have made and the effectiveness of these arguments. Great job!

  36. I think the teenagers that commit an adult crime should be charged as adults. I say that because the teenagers should know right from wrong. If a 15 year older walks out of school for no apparent reason he knows that that is wrong he is going to have to pay the price. Also I say they should be charged as adults because they have enough of common sense to not commit a crime. For example: A baby as to use the restroom and he uses he common sense he go to the restroom. Another reason I say that they should be charged as adults is because they shouldn't be doing a crime they should be studying or reading a book or do something else for school.

    Other people say that they should not be charged as adults. They feel that way because they think that the teenagers minds are no fully developed yet or don't comprehend what they are doing. That might be true however their mind should have developed enough to know if you shoot someone or rob a bank or something in that nature they will go to jail. Another reason I think that their opinion is wrong is because they know right from wrong. If a teenager cuses at his mom he knows that it is wrong.
    My final thought is that if you commit a adult crime you are going to get adult time.

    1. Great effort, Rashad! I definitely think you were on the right track with your arguments. However, a couple of your examples were not entirely relevant. Also, make sure to fully explain your supporting details. Last, make sure to proofread! A couple of grammatical errors made it a little difficult to understand the point you were trying to get across. Overall, great effort!

  37. I believe that teenagers who commit adult crimes should be tried as adults. I say this because if you commit a adult crime you should do adult time. What I mean by this is that even though you are young you should have to pay for what you did because your crime is obviously big. Also a teenager knows what they are doing. Teens are perfectly capable of managing their own minds, meaning if they do something that could get them adult time they knew what they were doing. Another reason is the only way a child will learn from their mistakes is if you punish them. For example if a child lies to their parents they could get grounded or punished to learn their lesson. By letting kids go for big crimes it brings no one justice and they don't learn anything from it.

    However some believe kids should not be tried as adults because they are to young and don't know what they are doing. I disagree with this because kids should not get away with murder. Just because you are young does not mean you are stupid, so if you commit a crime you have to pay the price. Also teens are old enough to know their actions have consequences. You cant do a adult crime on accident meaning teens know about their actions so they should be tried as adults because they know in their mind what is wrong and right. This is why I believe teens should be tried as adults when adult crimes committed because there is no reason not to be.

    1. Wow, Rendy! Excellent job! This was very well written and argued. Your supporting details and explanations were on point and you kept them relevant. This made your argument persuasive and effective. Great job!

  38. I believe kids shoud be tried as adults if they commit adult crimes. Say a 14 year old steals a pack of gum from a Wal-mart, they should not be charged as an adult for this crime. They should not be charged as an adult because they are obviously committing a petty crime. Petty crimes do not require the same amount time as more serious crimes as muder or kidnapping. 12-15 year olds are under so much pressure to fit in that they would do almost anything to do that. They will probably steal or bully to show how "hard" or "cool" they are to their friends. 12-15 year olds are also trying to find themselves and find out where they fit in the world. If a 14 year old stabs and shoots his parents to death then burns them in the house WITH his friend then he should be charged as adult because he obviously knew what he was doing. You can be playing with a gun and acidentally shoot someone in the foot, but if you shoot, stab, and burn someone then you know exactly what you are doing, so there is no "young and dumb" excuse. You have to pay for what you did.
    Some people say that kids don't learn from their mistakes in jail. I think if you do something wrong then you should be punished according to they law. They also say that kids shouldn't be put in jail for a long time because they are are more likely to go back. WHO CARES?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! They should not have done the crime anyway. People who say this, I believe they are not thinking the entire situation through. What if the person that was killed was your brother, mother, sister, or any other loved one? If they were killed maliciously then they SHOULD go to jail. Abuse cases are not really abuse cases unless there is good evidence to show that there was abuse. Don't even plead abuse if there is no evidence because you are going to lose. So in conclusion, kids should be charged as adults if they commit adult crimes.

    1. Good job, Kristian! Your writing is really well done here; you have made your points clear and that comes through in your writing. However, in your first paragraph, you really didn't give me three reasons. You really explained one really well, but it truly was only one reason. Your rebuttal had two points and I thought you did a really good job at explaining why the other side is wrong. Overall, this is very well done, just make sure to include all of your points.

  39. In my opinion kids should be tried as adults. I say this because if you do the crime you should do the time. Kids, and even adults should know the difference between right and wrong. I say this because in life certain things you just know are right or wrong. If you were a mother and your son or daughter got killed, and their killer only served 5 years you would be real mad. I say this because a killer should get a adult sentence like life in prison.
    The other side believes kids shouldn't be tried as adults. I disagree with this because if you do an adult crime you get the adult time. I say this because its not fair to the other family if you don't. If you do a adult crime why should you get less time? I say this because the time should fit the crime. It doesn't matter your age, so if you do the crime you should be put with other murderers. I say this because if you're not scared to do the crime you shouldn't be scared to get put in prison with a 40-year old murderers. After reading those two articles that's why I said kids should get tried as adults.

    ~JaColby Heggler 7B

    1. Good job, Jacolby! You leave no doubt where you stand on the issue, and this comes through loud and clear due to your writing. Keep this up! The only thing I would tell you is to make sure next time you explain your points more thoroughly. You were close to just listing reasons by not giving enough of an explanation. Also, be mindful that you said "I say this because" a lot! It sounds very repetitive, so proofread next time to make sure you can reword and not use this phrase so much. Overall, very good job!

  40. I believe that kids or teenagers that commit adult crimes should be tried as an adult.I think kids or teenagers should be tried because they have enough sense to know what they're doing. As a child you learn what's right or wrong, and most of these crimes are made by 10 year olds and up. They know what do and email not to do. Therefore if they know they should be punished. If a 12year old threw a ball through the window, they know that was wrong so they get punished. It's not a difference with crimes.
    My second reason is they're doing an adult crime. There is a saying "you do the crime, you do the crime." I think this applies to children also, since they do the crimes. They are doing these adult crimes so clearly even though your age is a minor you're acting like you are an adult. My final reason is these children could do more crimes. Most of these minors think that since they got out they will get away with their other crimes which is wrong because once they turn 18, you're considered an adult.
    Other people say that kids or teenagers should not be tried as an adult because children don't know any better. They're wrong because actually children do know better because all the murders have happened and all of the children was 10 and up. A child this age knows that murder is wrong or any crime is wrong. They are also wrong because being a child isn't an excuse or a loop whole to do whatever you want. We have rules and laws to follow just like adults,and crimes that kids do should be tried as adults because we should get a shortcut out of the crime sentencing.
    I think kids should be tried as adults because they know better, they're doing an adult crime, and they could do more crimes.

    1. Excellent arguments, Gabrielle! This is not only well written, but your arguments are relevant and detailed. You explained you points well and again, with detail. Good job! The rebuttal was well done as well. This is how a position is supposed to be defended!

  41. Yes, I do think teens/kids should be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes. I say this because once teens/kids commit a crime and go to jail for at least 5 years, there's a chance they could learn more about murder. This means if they get back on the street, there's a possibility they could do harm to more people. So with that being said, they should stay in jail to lower the amount of people to get hurt. Another reason is because they know what they are doing when they are doing it. They might watch crime shows, or they could have even seen someone do it before, so they know the consequences behind their actions. Lastly, if they are foolish enough to commit a crime, they deserve the time they are given.

    Some people say "Kids don't know any better and have no common sense or brains." I disagree with this statement because most teens/kids have a "guilty mind" meaning they know right from wrong. Once they commit a crime, hopefully they'll learn from their mistakes, and IF they get released from jail they won't be out to harm anyone. Also, they know exactly what they are doing, so if they decide to commit a crime, they fully deserve the consequences. I understand teens/kids are young, but if they commit a crime they should get jail time just like everyone else. If they don't, some people might call it unfair, or they might even think of it as favoritism. Everyone has equal rights, so everyone (including children) should be treated the same when it comes to murder/criminal cases UNLESS they are innocent, and its obvious that they are innocent. I do believe that some people would probably think of teens/kids as too young to receive a punishment as strong as jail time, but if you break a law, no matter who you are, you should get a punishment that balances out with the law that you have broken. I conclude that teens/kids should absolutely be tried as adults once they commit adult crimes.

    1. Very nicely done, Tori! This is a really good job. My only suggestion is next time, make sure to explain all of your points as well as you do the others. In your first paragraph you explain the first two really well, then kind of rush through the last one. Keep this in mind when you proofread. Other than this, you get an applause from me!

  42. I believe that children should be tried as adults simply because crimes such as rape and murder are considered as serious and very dangerous crime, and they should be handled just as serious as the crime is. Children should also know right from wrong meaning that they should know what can kill, and if needed how to use it safely and responsibly. I believe that sense isn't common, but instead of using what people call "common sense" , use what you've learned from other peoples mistakes and make better out of yourself.

    However, other people disagree with my opinion. These '' other people'' believe that children should NOT be tried as adults. I TOTALLY disagree with their opinion for the simple fact that adult crimes should have adult time if you are considered as " guilty minded". Now also, almost EVERYONE knows that's MOST children have a mindset of an adult. Now, I admit that I do too at times, but if a child has the audacity to put their mindset out for the world to se then that's their fault, and they would have to suffer the consequences. Sometime, I think it's attention they ask for, but if it is that's the wrong way to ask for it.

    I could debate on this topic all day, but these are just my main reasons on why I think that children should be tried as adults.

    1. You have a done a really great job arguing your points, Joi! Give yourself a hand! The points you made are relevant and you use the information well to back up your points. My only suggestion is next time, make sure to develop your explanations fully. In the first paragraph, your explanations could have been more detailed, just a little. But other than this, you did a great job writing this argumentative piece. Keep up the good work!

  43. Yes, I absolutely believe teenagers should be tried as adults. They should know there right from wrong.A criminal is a criminal and they should suffer the consequences. These teens know what there doing they just don't care about the consequences until they happen. Without a punishment that child will not learn his or her right for wrong. This is why these children do these crimes because they think they won't suffer the consequences. For example if a student punch a classmate in the nose they should suffer the consequences by getting detention. If a teen murders somebody and just get an easy sentence that isn't fair. That is not fair that the family has to suffer and you just get an easy sentence and you don't suffer your consequences. That hurts the family even worse they want justice for the relative. You reap what you sow no matter what is your age.

    But there is another side which says teens shouldn't be tried as adults. They say it is ridiculous for a kid to be tried as an adult and be in jail with a 45 year old murderers. These crimnal's parents dont want their child to be with older people and maybe those other criminals might do something to the young criminal. They also say that kids don't know what they are doing. That is where the parents come in at to teach their child right from wrong. What leads me wonder, where was these parents while the child was doing the crime? Why would these kids want to do these the things and commit these crimes. All can I say to those poor children is when you do the crime you will have to suffer the consequences.

    You will always have to suffer the consequences in life . Everybody knows you reap what you sow.

    1. So, yeah teens should be tried as adults.

    2. Ashanti, all I can say is I wish you could see me giving your argumentative piece a standing ovation right now! WOW! This is well said, well written, and well done! Next time, make sure to proofread from some spelling errors, but it in NO WAY takes away from your arguments, which were supported with details and explanations! This is how you argue a point!!!

    3. Thank you Mrs. Yancie very much!

  44. No, I don't think kids should be tried as adults. One reason I say this is because you live and you learn because you did the crime when you were a kid so you did the time and learned your lesson and should get out earlier. I also don't think so because being in jail all those years being tried as an adult most likely you learn how to become a better criminal. I also think that your a kid so you are young and dumb and don't really know better because some kids think violence and revenge is the answer so they use it.

    On the other hand some people think that kids should be tried as an adult, which I think is crazy. I think that it is wrong to say that because even though they committed a crime they are young and should atleast get a chance to live their lives. I don't think a kid should be in jail that long they won't ever get a chance to experience life. I also think that it is wrong because some adults do crimes and don't even get as much times as kids do so why put a kid in that situation. So moral of it all don't try kids as adults.

    1. Tracey, good argument! I think you had several valid and relevant points. However, make sure to fully explain your details, especially in the first paragraph. You come really close to just listing your reasons, which is what you don't want to do. I think your rebuttal was very well done. Suggestion: Watch out for the run-on sentences! Proofread to make sure you do not have these, break some of these long sentences up. Good job!!!

  45. I believe children should not be tried as adults,so they will not be smarter in crimes.One reason is that kids brains are not fully developed yet(according to the law,people have a guilty mind by 8).If a child has a symptom of ADHD and they all of sudden get to hype and he/she knocks something on somebody’s head and kills that person,but this is the first time that this child has ever done such of a thing and the parent/guardian didn’t know that the child had it and they can’t prove it in court then the child would go to jail.That would not be fair to the child,because when they get older they probably will not even remember what they did or even the next day they probably will not remember.It would not be fair for people to actually do something like that to a child period,because it will only make them smarter in crime and it could pass down to generation to generation,so to stop it from going to not so bad telling kids how to become better criminals(now) to alot of children learning how to become better criminals(future),DO NOT PUT CHILDREN IN ADULT JAIL.Another reason is that children do not always know what they are doing,because sometimes they do stupid stuff for fun.There were two ten year olds that were playing wrestling(something that was learned on TV) with a two year old and killed the baby,but when they went to court the judges released them and gave them a new identity so they would have a less memory of what happened.They knew what they were doing,but they didn’t know precisely what was going to happen.I also believe children are too young for adult jail,because if they get out they will become a better criminal than they already are and it is possible that they learned it from an older and smarter criminal.They can also kill somebody in a smarter manner if they get out of adult jail,but if they go to a juvenile jail then they will not know everything that a 45 year old man/women would know.Sometimes it is on the parent,because either the parent was sleeping or it was not paying any attention to the child,but they want to blame the child on again something( you may be saying in you head “ for Pete’s sake do they ever give a child a break in criminal court”,my answer “ no”). That is how the two-year old baby was killed because there was not a parent,a trusted adult,or a guardian around to tell them to stop.Of course,there is an opposite side that always disagrees with people,like the court system says that children should go to adult jail.They said that,because children have a lack of morals,but if they put them in adult jail and they get out the child will only become a terrible person.So instead of putting them in prison or adult jail,put them in a rehab,a juvenile detention center,or a counseling hospital(only if they go seriosly insane),this is how you can solve this problem and I totally disagree with their “solution to the problem”.They do not want to put the children that did violent crimes in a juvenile jail,because according to them the crime will not equal the crime that the child made.I disagree,because if you put them in prison or adult jail you will have a lot of crime going on when they get out and you will probably not be able to sleep well at night.Before they want to just make a decision they should at least think about it bfore they make it.I totally do not believe that children should not go to prison or adult jail,because they will only become smarter in things that will make the world a badder place and it will look bad when other countries want to know how to handle their countries and they see how America treats their citizens (a bad way).


    1. Malika, this was very well argued! I think you have made more than several valid and relevant points, especially about how putting them in contact with other criminals is not a solution. Good point! I think your writing is well done and makes it very clear where you stand on this issue. Your points are well supported and you use the text and your own reasoning in a SUPERB way! Next time, make sure to proofread! You have a lot of grammatical errors (i.e., spacing after commas and periods, run-on sentences) and break this up! You could have EASILY had three paragraphs out of this one! Overall, this is a really good job!

  46. Yes, kids should be tried as adults. One reason is that some people say that kids do not have developed brains. Just because they are young it doesn’t mean they don’t know what they are doing. In the text, it says a group of 10 year old kids got together and killed a 2 year old girl. They knew what they were doing because they had to get in a group and talk about it. Another reason is that if kids do an adult crime they should do adult time. In the text, it says that if a kid does an adult crime then they need to do adult time. To me at 10 years you should have a mind that knows right from wrong, also known as a guilty mind. If you get a weapon to kill someone you had to think about what you were doing. The last reason is that kids might learn from jail. If they are in jail they will learn from their mistakes and try not to do it again. If they are not being taught a lesson, then the only thing they will learn is that they can get away with a crime.
    However, there are people who say they should not be tried as adults because of their young minds. This is wrong because of how they say they do not know what they are doing. I say they do because of how in the text it says morals are inherent from birth. This means their minds are developed at an early age. Another reason they are wrong is because they won’t be able to learn from their mistakes. This is because they won’t learn their lesson if they are not taught a lesson. So, basically kids should be tried as adults because they know what they are doing.

    1. Joshua, this is very well written and well argued, good job! I think your writing is concise, to the point, and you use the text very well. Your points were relevant and you leave no doubt where you stand on this issue, and this is possible because of the quality of your writing. Great work!!!

  47. Me personally I think teens should br tried as adults if they commit adult crimes because they most likely know right from wrong. I say this because if someone I know/ love gets hurt or killed I would want the worst possible punishment for them. Another reason is they crimes is just as heinous as adult crimes so most likely these teens know what they're doing. My final reason is youths who commit crimes sre criminals; theyre walking our streets, living as our neighbors, and possibly commiting more crimes on the side, when means they have commited them once and is capible of commiting them again.

    Others say if a 10 year old commited a crime for fun (an actual crime according to the acticle) they didnt know what theyre doing. After being in juvenile the kid is relocated with a new identity so they can grow up with only a faint memory of what happened. If thats so the kid didnt obviously comprehend what they were doing. One reason is a 10 year old killing someone/ somebody people goes to jail for doing things like that, which mean they have the mind set to know whats right from wrong. Another reason is, being a child isnt a excuse. We have laws and rules for a reason therefore a 10 year old knows what they are doing and knows how to follow them.

    In My Opinion, Teens Should Absolutely Be Tried As Adults When They Commit Adult Crimes because teens that commit adult crimes should do the adult time because they most likely know right from wrong, and can go commit more crimes because they think that there younger than 18 theyre only get about 5 years or so.

    1. Roderick, great job!!! You argued this very well! Your explanations are to the point and relevant. Next time, make sure to proofread! You have more than several grammar errors that can make this hard to read. However, I did understand what you were saying and I think this is because of your quality writing. Good job!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Yes children should be tried as an adult for an adult crime. I say that because teens should be held accountable for their actions. I also think they should be tried as an adult because they have no business murdering people ,drinking, and doing drugs. In the passage it says If I knew somebody who hurt or killed someone I loved, I would want him or her to get the worst possible punishment for his or her actions.

    On the other hand some people think teens should not be tried as an adult. They say that because they think it is ridiculous to think that a kid that is only ten or thirteen years old con be tried as an adult and possibly put in jail with forty five year old murderers. They also think that teens obviously do not know what they are doing. So in my opinion teens should be tried as an adult because they know what they are doing and know the consequences.

    1. Takyia, really good effort! I applaud the time and obvious effort you put into this. You had the start to a really good argumentative piece. I say start, because you did not fully develop this piece. You listed your reasons in the first paragraph and did not explain your reasons. Also, for the rebuttal, you did not tell me why you believe these reasons are wrong. Next time, make sure to utilize the graphic organizer to its maximum benefit.

  50. I don't think kids should be tried as adults. One of my reasons is that they are too young. Secondly their life in jail will be their only thinking process, so when they get put of jail they probably will end back up in jail. Thirdly that is too harsh for an child. My rebuttal statement is that children should be charged with a life/ adult sentence because they know what they are doing they have an "guilty mind". The opposing side is wrong because obviously when the kids were commuting these crimes they didn't know their consequences. If they this they wouldn't have done it. They didn't fully comprehend if they kill someone how it would be such a big impact on them. My second reason is that the kids probably need mental help not harsh help by giving them an adult sentence. At least give them a chance in life, it would be better to send them to juvenile. My conclusion is don't give kids an life sentence, because they are too young, their mindset will be horrible, and its too harsh

    Amariya Malone 7C

    1. Great effort, Amariya! You have a great start to an argumentative piece. It's a start because you have not fully developed your argument. Your three reasons why you support kids not being tried as adults were listed, and not explained. The graphic organizer was supposed to help you here. You did better with the rebuttal, this is more of what I wish you would have done with your first three reasons. Then you would have had the required two paragraphs.

  51. I believe that kids should not be tried as adults. If you are 11 years old and younger you should not be tried as an adult because you have no common sense. If you are at that age and you commit a crime, then you should be in rehabilitation and go to juvenile. Rehabilitation is successful because kids get taken out of their own environment. Their environment could be what caused those problems. Instead of going to jail for life they can be put with a specialists and people who know what they are doing who can help them. If they have a faint memory on what happened then they didn't know what they are doing.

    Others say that kids should be tried as adults and I disagree with those people. If kids have life in jail and they don't know why they are in jail then they shouldn't be in jail. Until they grow up and mature, there brains will think differently. If kids stay in jail they could possibly become a worse person with the situation they're given in jail. Jail could make them want to kill more. Also in jail they would miss out on the education they need and they won't have a chance to spend time with their family. That is why I think kids should not do adult time.

    1. Justin, good job! I think through your writing I am very clear about where you stand on this issue and why. However, in your first paragraph, you did not really give me three reasons to support your stance. You gave more like one and a half, but you explained it REALLY well. On this, good job! Your writing is well done, so I definitely applaud the effort here. Just next time, make sure you have all of the required details. Overall, good job!

  52. In my opinion I believe teens should not be tried as adults because when most teens are growing up they are still going through their learning phase. Some people think that if you are at least ten then you are already developed and know right from wrong. That is not a great way to do this in the court system because you are basically setting up most children for life in prison. Then when they go they wont learn anything there because the are around bad influences in there life I personally think that the best way to handle a big crime is to limit the child in places he or she could go. Maybe even try to find a better place for them so hat they could actually learn right from wrong. I just know that there is a better way they can do things in he court system.
    In other places people think children should be tried as an adult because it would help them recognize that there are consequences. Which may be right in some cases because that child may soon think that they are home. This is a common issue with adults coming back into society and not knowing what to do next with their life. May answer is remaining no, children shouldn’t be tried as adults because the evidence I put together is leading up to most bad things. Maybe the people in the court system will release children shouldn’t be in that type of environment because it could damage them mentally.
    By: Roderick Jordan

    1. Good job, Roderick! You are very clear in your writing about where you stand and the reasons you believe your position. My only suggestion is next time make sure you give all of the required details. In the first paragraph you explain one reason VERY WELL but you did not really go into other reasons. Make sure you are not thinking are explaining other reasons, but really just restating one. Make sure to proofread, otherwise, very good job!

  53. I do think that kids should be tried as adults. First of all, there is something called guilty mind. Most of the time when kids commit crimes they are old enough to know that what they are doing is wrong. Next, what they do is clearly wrong; no matter what age. If they commit a crime then it is just as bad as it would be if they were an adult, so why not do the adult time. Lastly, Most of the time when children do a crime they are close to adulthood so it is good that they do the adult time.

    Some people believe that kids shouldn't be tried as adults. This is wrong because kids will think they can get off easy for doing crimes. If they get a small sentence for something big because of their age, they will continue to do bad things knowing that the punishment won't be so bad because of their age. Just because they are kids, that doesn't mean they should be babied. Thieves are thieves, killers are killers, and physcos are physcos no matter what age so they should be punished the same. Kids should absolutely be tried as adults.

    1. Some people think children should be tried as adults and some don't. I think kids should not be tried as adults. Kids at this age are not fully developed. For example,children who need special care or can't control themselves. Also they might don't know better from not any discipline from home. If they train their child the way they would won't them to go. For example if I act up as a child now and I don't get my act together then my children will act the same way.

      . Some others think kids should be put in jail for doing a crime. This wouldn't do them any good. If you put them in for a lifetime at a young age then they won't remember what happened or why they are there. Children are still learning and won't learn if you put them in jail for there whole lives at a young age. Also you are putting them in with older people, putting them in danger. In conclusion, this is an cruel punishment and is crucial to kids lives.

    2. Jirah, first of all, I'm not sure why this is under Sam's entry, but okay...
      Really great effort! I want to applaud your points, they are well said. The only thing is you listed your arguments in the first paragraph and did not fully explain them. Use the graphic organizer! Next time, watch for this to make sure you are not just listing. Otherwise, your writing was done well and I just wish you would have given me more explanations.

    3. Sam, really good effort! I understand what you saying, but at times this was hard to read because of incomplete thoughts, sentences, and your grammatical errors. Also, make sure to give me all of the details. In your first paragraph you explained maybe one and a half points. You did it REALLY WELL, but you were supposed to give me three. Just make sure to proofread next time and you should be good to go!

  54. I believe that teenagers should be tired as adults. I say this because if a teenager can commit an adult crime they can do the adult time. The second reason is that a teenager should know right from wrong. For example if a 6 year old killed his little brother by accident even though that's not good he did not know whats right from wrong. In the same instance if a 15 year old killed his little brother he should get the adult time because he did know whats right from wrong. The third reason is if there was a law saying that 18 years and under don't get adult time then teenagers would kill just because they know that they want get as much time as adults. The opposing side would say that teenagers being in jail would mess up there minds so when they get out they will just be as worse as they came in which will most likely result in them going back to jail. I would say to this is that sometimes second chances don't need to be given because some people take advantage of the law and they would play all good and then when they get out they are just a bigger threat to the society. I would also say that just because second chances are given does not mean that they are going to be any better. For example, I would if a 17 year old stabbed his girlfriend and they said you have to go to rehab for 6 months when he gets out he stabs his girlfriend again the second chance did not do any good. My conclusion would be that teenagers should face the adult punishment because they don't have any excuses for what they did ( except for self defense and mental defect and etc.).

    Kalyn Wiggins 7C

    1. Excellent job, Kalyn! Really good job! You explained this VERY WELL, it was well written, and well argued. Your points were relevant, valid and you supported them excellently. Make sure to explain ALL of your points fully. You did not explain the first one in your first paragraph as well as you did the others. Keep this in mind for next time. Otherwise, great job!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Yes, I do think that teens should be tried as adults. I do because when you are over the age of 8 you usually know what's right from wrong. Which is called a "guilty mind." I also believe that when criminals who are living their lives free, peaceful, and happy, while the victims and their families are suffering isn't right. Sometimes those criminals who are murderers, or rapists are juveniles who are tried every day are given shorter sentences and released. I see this as being wrong because if you were the victim's parents and their child is dead and they want ever see them alive again; (I mean you do only live once). Their child's killer may have been published and if they have it was only for a short period of time. That's not right!!! I also think that if a teens are not punished they would think that crimes are okay and continue to commit them which is why they should be punished so they would know that it was wrong and that they should not commit any crimes again.
    Other think that they should not be tried as adults. Some people say that their brains are not fully developed. Some people also might say that they were just doing it for fun and that they did not know what they were doing and did not know that would happen. Well, I think they are wrong if you commit a crime then they should be punished. I get that they are just kids but they should not have committed the crimes.Even though our brains do not fully develop until we are 25 years old the guilty mind stage should have already started at age of 8. Therefore, I think that teens should be tried as adults.

    1. Wow, Makayla! Excellent argument!!! Due to your quality writing, I have not doubt where you stand on this issue and why you do so. Great job! Your supporting details and explanations were relevant and solid. You had a few grammatical errors, so make sure to proofread, but still, this is a solid piece of argumentative writing. Keep up the good work!

  57. I do believe that the right thing to do is have the teens get tried as adults. I say this, because around this age the person should be able to tell right from wrong. If the young criminal was mentally I'll, then that's different. I might even accept the exuse of being forced to do such a horrid crime to be able to see the next day if life threatened. Now this is for the opposing side. Don't get me wrong. If the child was between 8 and 12 then I would at least consider it being a slight bit harsh. I also agree with a child being in jail could corrupt their mind to become a full criminal. Though, think about this. If the child goes to rehab for a short time, after being released they could reek havok in lifes once again. Later, the child could be captured, and contained once more. I say just cut out the middle man, and put them in the big house.
    Paige Pettway 7A

    1. Paige, you have a REALLY good beginnings to a great argumentative piece. Is say "beginning" because you have not fully developed this answer. If you had explained your reasons in more detail, used the text, you would have had an outstanding piece. Use the graphic organizer to do this next time! I think your writing is sound, it just lacks details and explanations. You could have easily had the required two paragraphs if you had done this.

  58. Amber Watts Shouldn't Be Charged 7A
    To me I think that teens and kids should not be charged as adult. One reason is because kids are too young to be facing adult charges. Many people make mistakes and kids make the best out of them. Being under the age of 18 has many rights not to be charged as adults because kids make mistake and with that being said kids have every right not to have adult consiquences. Many years people have been battling to decide whether kids should or should not be charged as an adult. But I say why be charged as an adult if u are not going to get the full punishment like the "Death Penalty". Kids have been sent to prison for life because of several crimes, but really they shouldn't because kids do stuff with out thinking. Another reason why I think that kids shouldn't be tried as adults is because after being brain washed in jail for awhile, after coming out of jail, they would be worse and doubled the trouble. In case you didn't know sometimes kids do things for a reason, so that they life would be easier for them but not knowing that they life would be harder in jail. To me I think that kids should just have two years in jail so that they would learn they lesson. They say kids 8 and under can not be charged as an adult, but kids older than that can because kids older can have a guilty mind, but I say that kids under 18 is the one that shouldn't be charged as an adult. In conclusion, I think that kids shouldn't be charged as an adult, and kids are to young to be experiancing life in prison, also giving harsh punishments is just wrong.

    1. Really great effort, Amber! You have given an excellent argument for why teens and kids should not be charged as adults. However, I cannot see where you have given the rebuttal. Use the graphic organizer to make sure you fulfill all of the requirements. Also, make sure to proofread, because in some places your spelling errors could make your writing hard to understand. Make sure to break up your piece into paragraphs. This is easily tow paragraphs and should not be one giant one. Otherwise, great effort. Next time, make sure to fulfill all of the requirements.

  59. I believe that teens should be charged as adults. If someone did something to someone you knew, you would want them to fill the same pain or something close to that pain. Teens are accountable for their actions. They know what they are doing, so they set their own selves up for that. If your daughter or son just died, how would you want the killer to be punished.
    Some people say that they should try as juveniles. Some people say if you put children in jail, they say they are just finding a way to become a more better criminal. They also say that the kids do that stuff just for fun, so what does that tells you. They say that these kids don't know what they are doing and don't know the consequences.
    Teens should be tried as adults for an adult crime because they are guilty minded and take responsibility for their own actions and don't pin it on anybody else.

    1. Great effort, Denzell! I think where you stand on this issue is clear. However, you listed your reasons, but did not fully explain them. Use the graphic organizer to accomplish this! You need to pull from the text or your own thoughts in order to fully argue your points. I really think you could have given me a lot more explanation, especially in the first paragraph. Next time, make sure to keep this in mind and I think you will really see how much more persuasive your argument can be.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. I think that teens should be tries as adults because if you can do the crime then you can do the adult time ; a crime is a crime they should get the same charges old or young. They should be tried as an adult because according to the article it states" Who are these criminals and what makes them so special?" What makes them sos different from any other criminal where they can't do the times. As the article say" Kids and even adults should know right from wrong." At a certain age they should know right wrong. In the article it states " Youth who commit crimes they are walking our streets, living as our neighbors, and some commiting additional crimes." So by that they are being a harm to our llives so we don't want those types of people roaming our streets. My rebuttal statement is that some people say teens shouldn't be tried as an adult, but there wrong because they need to be tried as an adult. They are wrong because they said that" this is not only wrong but also ridiculouse to think that a kid that is only ten or thirteen years old can be tried as an adult and possibly put in a jail with forty five year old murderes."That's where they are wrong because they got to juvenile till they are 18, then they go to jail with those older guys depending on the crime. They are wrong again because they say that' Imajine if you were in jail for a life sentence for not knowing full well what you did or how you did it." They're wrong because you know what you did because if you didn't then you would have never done what you did if you didn't know.

    1. Derrick, first let me start by applauding your effort! I really appreciate, not only the effort, but the obvious thought you put into this assignment. However, you really need to proofread or have someone give you a fresh set of eyes. This will help you when writing because this was really hard to read in some spots. I understand what you are saying, but I had to reread it, and that means it's not really clear. I think you have everything you need to have a great argumentative piece here, just make sure to proofread for fluency.

  62. Sofia Zelis

    I believe that in no situation should a child be tried as an adult. A child who has committed a crime and is sentenced to a life in jail will most likely not even remember a crime that they committed when they have grown up. Children don’t fully understand what they are doing when they commit a crime; the part of your brain that makes decisions, the frontal cortex, does not fully develop until early adulthood. All children, and adults, deserve a second chance before they are sentenced to a life in jail. It is in human nature to make errors which we should learn from, and children are most prone to making errors.
    Other viewers of the argument believe that, in some cases, children truly should be tried as adults. These viewers say that if you put yourself in the shoes of someone affected by a child’s crime, such as murder, you would feel that the child should be punished as an adult. They also say that since children commit crimes as terrible as adults do, they should be punished as adults. When they say that feel affected by children’s crimes “feel” like the child should be punished as an adult, they are making a completely irrelevant statement because feelings and emotions have no place in the law. Children do commit the same crimes as adults, but they do not have the same reasoning and logic as adults and it is therefore improper to have them tried as adults.
    Children should not be tried as adults. A child will not remember the crime they have committed, they cannot comprehend what they are doing, and they deserve a second chance to change their life. They also do not have the same amount of reasoning, logic, and knowledge as adults do.

    1. AWESOME!!! This is how you argue a position! This is a great example of a persuasive and well written argumentative piece. I enjoyed reading this and I think anybody would, even if they do not agree with your position. That is the mark of an excellent argument! Well done!

  63. Teens should absolutely be tried as adults when then they commit adult crimes. If you are a teenager you should know right from wrong. You can't murder someone accidentally. You can tell when you're hurting someone or if someone is in pain. I also believe that in you're teenage years you are just learning who you are so, if you kill someone when you are 13 and you only get a mild consequence you are going to grow up thinking its ok to commit crimes because nothing will happen. Others believe that it is not right for teens to be tried as adults. They believe as though they don't know any better. In my opinion I say these people are wrong because you can't kill someone by accident. I think that if you are a teen you shouldn't be around or have access to deadly weapons that could lead you getting into trouble and hurting someone else. Therefore, teens should be tried as adults.

    1. Amiaya, good job! I think this could have been even better if you had maximized usage of the graphic organizer. Then your reasons would not only be stated, but fully explained. Your writing is done well and the points you make are valid. I just need for them to be explained more with more details. Pull from the text or your own opinions next time to do so. Then you would have easily had the required two paragraphs instead of one. You can do this!

  64. In some cases teens should be tried as adults because for example a 10 year old kills 20 infant babies they should definitely be tried a an adult. The reason I say that is because that is manslaughter and completely unacceptable for a minor. Now if a 12 year old child goes in a convenience store and steals a sprite then that is not a case where a minor should be tried as an adult because the consequence does not fit the crime. Another case that in which kids should not be tried as adults is if a 15 year old breaks into a house and steals a pair of pants that is another case that a minor should not be tried as an adult . For me it would have to depend on the crime for the consequence. You should always remember that they are minors and they don't make the right decisions at the right times that they should and they should be treated as kids but the crime that they commit could change everything.

    1. Kyla, you have the beginning of a great argument. On that, good job! However, you do not have a fully developed argument here! Where is your rebuttal and why the other side of the argument is wrong? That would make this fully developed because you are acknowledging another side. Then you would be able to defend your side even further. I think what you have is a great FIRST paragraph, now I just need the required second paragraph.

  65. Kids should be tried as adults. (1 Kids have a guilty mind. If they have a commited a crime then they have a guilty mind. Kids know from the start what's right and what's wrong so if they kill or steal they know what they are doing. (2 If they commit a adult crime they should do adult time. Kids are adults that are just smaller and not as mature. So if a kid kills his family he shouldn't get a slap on his wrist unlike a adult that could get death. This is just just a form or favoritism. Like being racist but not by race but age. (3 They could be reconstructive. From what I've heard prison isn't a fun place to be. Many cases show people would rather commit suicide than go back to jail. Kids could get out learn their lesson and be a productive member of society. For example a kids parents drove him into murdering someone but now in prison for 40 years he is away from those horrible people who don't value life and now knows right from wrong.(Rebuttal) some argue that this takes away their life. In jail you can earn deplomas go to college and many other things that are for your better good. It may be hard to find a job that takes you in but you would be definally qualified. You spend your whole sentence reading and studying books so you are basically a genius by the time you are out and can build a better reputation for yourself for you remaining free years. In conclusion prison is not where someone should want to be but it isn't necessarily a bad place. Kids that are getting off with crimes just because they are young isn't right. People are descriminating the adult demographic for people that purposefully cause havoc but the kids are doing almost the exact same. I belive fair is fair and unfair is unfair and kids not being trialed as a adult is unfair.

    1. WOW!!! Awesome job! Regardless to what side of the issue you stand on, there is no doubt your argument deserves consideration. Your writing is solid and serves you well by ensuring your argumentative piece is persuasive and supported. You use great details to support your position and your explanation are SUPERB!!! Excellent job!

  66. I feel that they let teens be tried as adults.I say that because The child could have a good reason to for the crime that they committed. The child probably doesn't really know any better and they see other people doing so peer pressure plays a roll in this also.If the child that is on trail is found guilty,they would be put in jail with lots of older people that could give the child bad ideas for when they got out of jail that would lead them right back in.I disagree that teens should be able to be tried as an adult because they believe that if you do the crime you do the time but when you are putting little mindless teens in jail there is a big difference because some of them aren't even guilty minded.

  67. I think that teens should not be tried as adults. First because children don't have common sense. They do not understand how dangerous things are because they are not mature enough. Also because they don't realize that they are going to get in trouble and have negative consequences for their actions. Lastly because the will be in jail for a long time and not get a chance to be rehabilitated. Some people believe that teens should be tried as adults because they believe that children know the difference between right and wrong. They also believe our morals are inheret from birth. I believe these statements are wrong because people are inherently bad and are taught to not do bad behaiviors. We learn our morals from our family and environment. In conclusion, I believe children should not be tried as adults because children cannot do things that adults can do. So if children are not capable of doing adult things like driving, working, voting or buying a gun then children are not capable of understanding as an adult.

  68. I think teens should be tried as adults. First, teens are capable of having access to weapons and drugs. So if a teen commits a crime or murder with a weapon, they can be tried as an adult. Only adults can go buy a gun not a teen or kid. Next, teens know whats right and whats wrong, because a teens have grown up being taught right from wrong either at home or at school. I a teen robs a store and steals a bag of chips, he/she knew that was wrong to do, so they would have to suffer any charges an adult would face. Last but not least. Some youths walk away free with release and soon do additional murders or crimes. Some teens don't re-correct their mistakes they just make situations worse. Others say that teens shouldn't be tried as adults because they're to young. I strongly disagree, because most youth learn how to murder or do crime better while serving their sentence. Others think they can be rehabilitated from doing wrong once released. While in prison, there is nothing but negative background. Some people hurt other while in prison. In conclusion, if a teens can act like and adult, they should be sentenced as an adult.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. I think teens should be tried as adults. The reason why I think teens should be tried as adults because teens are known for having a "guilty mind" meaning that they know right from wrong. For an example if a teen gets caught selling drugs, drinking under the age of 21 or they have did some type of murder.They should be tried as an adult because they have committed adults crime. Another example is that when you know right from wrong you will feel some type of way or your heart will beat fast because your scared and you know your about to be in some serious trouble. its not like their 8 years old and younger. therefore they know better. This is why I think teens should be tried as adults.

  71. I believe teens should be tried as adults. No crime should go unrecognized. If kill someone or rob a store as a child. That an adult crime so you have to do adult time. They teen that do the crime know what they are doing. It is called "guilty minds". At the age that they do the crime, know right from wrong. Any kind of crime is illegal. No one should commit them. Not even children should be selling drugs and shotting at people.

    Then you have to put it in a mother's perspective. If someone killed you son or daughter, would you want them to have life in prison or go free. You would't want to be at your funeral knowing that the person who killed your son is walking in the streets. Juveniles are getting short sentences to and that's not right. If you do the crime, you have to do the time.

  72. I do not think teens should not be tried as adults. In my opinion, you're taking away their freedom to learn how to become a civilized person. Also, when they get out of jail (if they ever do) they may result back to more crime because jail is pretty much all they knew. They're young and deserve to have a regular teenage life so they can become successful adults. I understand that most teens have done gruesome crimes, but instead of putting them away in jail for life, take the time to see what their motive was. You should give them some counseling and try to understand them. This would be better, and hopefully decrease the amount of corrupted teens turning into corrupted adults when/if they get out of jail.

    Another reason they shouldn't be tried as adults is because if they get out, it would be hard for them to find a job. I know that if someone came in my office with adult charges against them in the past, it would be hard for me to want to give them a job. If they can't get a job, they have no money and this may result in criminal actions. They may rob a bank or steal money from someone. What America needs to realize is that giving teens adult charges doesn't make the world a better place. The sad truth of reality is that this only worsens them. In my humble opinion, I think everyone deserves a shot at life no matter what their past, present, or future looks like.

  73. I think teens should be tried as adults but should only be tried and a certain age, because some kids still have a premature mind and do know right from wrong at a young age because the probably haven't been taught. I feel that kids who are going to get tried the let them start getting tried towards their teenage years. At a young age kids have a "guilty mind". Some kids don't right from wrong at a young age, because of the environment that they grew up in and the people that never taught them. They have never been taught so they will never learn right from wrong. They may not learn until experiencing the consequences of doing wrong things and getting the results.

    On the other hand if they know right from wrong then, its a whole new story. They can get tried because, they know the outcome of the bad things that they've done. There is no excuse for you not knowing what you did wrong if you were taught well and properly. I would prefer that kids who are young and haven't been taught well to not get tried. I feel like that, because they lack home training and being taught right from wrong. For example, if a 6 year old boy starts selling drugs at school and didn't know that it was illegal because he hasn't been taught right from wrong the he shouldn't be tried as an adult. On the other hand if a 15 year old boy is at school selling drugs and he knows right from wrong then he would tried as an adult because he knows. That's how I feel about kids being tried as adults.

  74. I think teens should not be tried as adults because it could change their life in a negative way forever. If they get tried as adults like they are grown criminals that will soon be what they think of themselves. It will just ruin their future because when they get out they wont know what to do so they'll just get put back in. All of this will
    result in their definition of life being changed to crime and nothing but crime. Since you learn the most while you're a kid it would not be beneficial if they spent their childhood learning from criminals. After this the only thing that will change is the number of criminals in the U.S.A.

    Kids should be tried as adults because if they do adult crime they do adult time. I believe this is wrong because crime knows no age and they have a different concept of crime and they may not fully understand the consequences so this will be unfair to punish their ignorance.second of all the child should not be in the same atmosphere as the major criminals because it will then wear away at their innocence.

  75. I think that teens should be charged as an adult. One reason is because they need to learn from their mistakes. This well teach them how to take concern about their actions.This well also help the teens to take responsibility serious. I say that because they will see that jail and doing crimes can effect your life termindusly. Another reason is because they can tell other or younger teens that doing a crime will cost you some time. They could also teach younger teens that its not so good to go to prison. They could tell the younger people in their community that are heading in the path they went isn't right . Also they could teach the right way.

  76. This will help the teens and their community

  77. Imagine this you, a lawyer, a judge, a jury, a crying family, guards blocking every entrance and exit, a courtroom, and your two 10 year old children in the center of this picture. Two 10 year old boys murdered a 2 year old baby.Now from the look and the sound of this do you still trust "Johnny Boy"? Do you think that you should give them a warning and say that they need a second chance? Now don't get me wrong, I believe that they should have a second chance; that's why we have appeals in the United States. Will you treat these "murders" as "babies"? In order to judge this situation you should judge them with evidence dominating your opinions and emotions. Feeling sorry for these murders is going to make our world unsafe for our upcoming generation. So that's why I believe that teens should be tried as adults.
    Children reflect/ represent what they do, say, or hear at home. This mean whoever or whatever is in charge of them gives the "okays" and the "don'ts". So when they go out in public they are most likely are going to go along with these okays and don'ts ( this includes home). Jessica Wilde says in one of her articles, "Morals are inherent from birth." Another thing that you should keep in your mind is that when they (children) reach a certain age they seem to go through the stages or the motions where they are trying to figure out who they are. My point is that they had the sense to commit a crime ,therefore, they have found who, what, where, how, and why they did what they did. As Wilde said, "...they know their limitations..."
    Recall a memory in your life where you wanted to curse or beat someone so badly, that something worse to yourself, family, others, or anything and anyone. It was like a trigger went off you. Well, that' s how these criminals were. The abuse, bullying, family issues, and etc are things that can put them under pressure making the outcome to be murder, kidnapping, vandalism, shop lifting, under age drinking, drug abuse, robbery and more. So tell me what happens when you get under pressure? You crack. These criminals got under the pressure and cracked. The only difference they probably attacked with thought.
    Now other people say, "These kids obviously did not know what they were doing."
    Here is where they are wrong.
    One thing is that a kid and a teen are two different things, therefore, they should get different tryings depending how bad the crime is. Also if you are 5 and up then you should know what it means to kill, steal, lie, and etc. In other words, they can tell from bad and good. So when you hear that your two 10 year old boys (3rd grade) killed a 2 year old baby and still say that this is a "minor" is stupid because at the end of day i didn't know that killing someone was an accident or haves good sides to it. I thought if you killed someone then you did a very bad thing, therefore, you should get a consequence to match your crime.
    Now I come before with the question that pops up in a mother's head when in court. Do you think that a child should be trailed as an adult? Yes or no either way karma or God
    will get to them and they'll have to face the consequences someday at sometime.

  78. I believe that teens should be tried as adults. If they have the audacity to go commit a heinous crime, they should do their time. Millions of adults have done it and so should they. If they get away with this type of stuff now as teens, watch what they will do as adults just because they think they can get away. It's not just the fact that they are young, they've made up their mind to go commit crimes and get caught and they should go to jail for that. They also now what they are doing so they should now what they are getting into. My opponents believe that they kids are too young and that they don't get it. Obviously not since they feel as if they can get into trouble, they understand what trouble they can get into. Also, they aren't too young because at the age of 6 they have a guilty mind so they know what they are doing. In conclusion, teens should be tried as adults because they are aware that they are creating trouble and they know what consequences they receive if they are proven guilty.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It would be best if teens be charged as adults. Teens know what they are doing so they are as just as guilty as the adults. Teens feel like if they don't get the bigger punishment then they can go do it again. They would stop
      Their ways if they know how bad of a punishment they would get. If they know that then they won't try to do that but you got to do that to them while they are teens because they would be even worse when they get older. It would will be a good message saying they need to grow up and stop doing the childish things. Of course the children don't need to get the bigger punishment because their brain is still developing. These teens to stop their mess now because it's a lot of them dying because of their ways that's why they be on the news much. I hope my opinion will get you to thinking "huhh" should teens be charged as adults?

    2. In my opinion I think teens should be tried as adults. They aren't little kids anymore and they should understand what they are doing. If you are old enough to have a guilty mind if you commit the crime you should do the time in jail. You should always think before you act, and if you don't that is nobody's fault but yours. If the law and court systems keep giving teens chance after chance after chance they will think they are invincible and can get away with anything. You keep giving them inches but they are taking miles. When they committed the crime they thought they were old enough when they committed the crime, so they should still think they are old enough to do the time for the crime that they committed.

      When you keep letting the kids get away with small crimes they think "oh if I got away with this crime I can get away with a higher crime" They will keep going up the ladder committing bigger crimes each time. That's like trying to teach somebody how to walk when they get 13. They want to say they are kids when they get to court but, when they were committing the crime they want to be all big and bad. The real question is who else believes teens should be tried as adults?

  80. I think that teens should be tried as an adult. i say that they should be tried as an adult because they should have matured or should have become mature enough form their parents actions. they also should know right from wrong. every thing they do wrong should have a consequence. they should have thought before the acted the way they did . but they acted anyway so thats their fault.

    they other people say that teens should not be tried as an adult in any circumstances. this is not only wrong but also rediculos to have a child in jail with 45 year old murdures they say.i say this is wrong because if they know right from wrong then if they do the crime theyll have to face and serve the time. the other reason why this is wrong is because the criminals have been in their stage and they wont hurt or injur the kid unless prevoked. so again i think that teens should be tried as an adult.

  81. I believe that teens should not be tried as adults for life sentences because the crime that a CHILD commits is supposed to be worked out to prevent that crime from happening again. I understand that a child needs to learn their lesson, but sentencing them for 50 or more years and life sentence crosses the line. It is not fair that a child should have to experience years and years and years in jail for one or two crimes that a young child has made. I am not saying dont put kids in jail at all, I'm saying that life sentences and years in jail is just not right. I really do understand the fact as to why judges would think to give children years in jail, but Is it that bad to the point that they NECESSARILY need to give a child life in jail? Its just not right. Even for the older teenagers. ( 14,15,16 ) But then again, if the child goes and commits a horrific crime while knowing it, They do need to be prepared to spend the time that they do deserve. I am coming from a stand point where they should not be tried as adults IF it was an accident and it was not meant to occur. If they do know what they are doing and how they are planning on doing so then to be honest then yes because they know what they are doing and why they are doing it so i can really understand as to why the judge would sentence a teen to adult years or life. Really though, it all just comes down as to if they were willing to risk themselves and commit the crime.


  82. I do think teens should be tried as adults. I think they should be tried as adults because they have a guilty mind and know exactly what they are doing and when they are doing it. If a parent raised their child correctly then they should know what's right or what's wrong. If they commit murder to a loved one , then they absolutely know what they are doing. They say that at age 7 a child has a guilty mind, so if they are over 7, then they knew what they were doing, how they were going to do it, and when they were going to do it. They planned the whole thing out. They knew who they wanted to get rid of, how they wanted to get rid of them, and when they wanted them gone.
    In the article we read, they stated that when a child grows up they won't remember the crime. In my personally opinion, I think that isn't true and that a child will remember what they did. Just take me for example, if I was eating a sandwich that evening, that night I forgot I what kind of sandwich I ate, but that doesn't mean i don't remember eating that sandwich.Children get away with a lot of things, but being tried as adults won’t be one of them. In conclusion, children know what they are doing before they do it.

  83. I think kids should be tried as adults. I believe this because kids try to grow up too fast and act as if they have no home training. You should really try kids as adults if they kill their mother or father. If they get only get 1 year than that is a wrong sentence. They should get the death penalty. Honestly they should get lethal injection with poison. Some people think that kids should not be tried as adults. This is a wrong decision. In the article we read most people say kids should not be tried as adults. This is my opinion on whether people should be tried as adults. Others have many opinions, but this one is mine. If kids are past 7 years old they have a guilty mind.

  84. I believe it would be best to charge teens as adults.The kids are old enough to have a guilty mind and to know what they're doing.You already know whats right and wrong of the situation.You shouldn't be light on a crime no matter how young the committee is.

    The opposing side believes they don't know the consequences under drugs and alcohol even though they shouldn't be drinking in the first place.
    I believe kids should be trialed as adults because if we commit a crime why should we get special treatment if we commit a delinquent crime do we not get in trouble.

  85. I absolutely think that teens should be tried as adults ONLY unless they hane committed adult crimes. I have many reasons to why I say this. One reason is that they should know the difference between right and wrong. Another reason I say this is if you commit the adult crime, you can and will pay the adult time. The last reason I say this is that criminals are criminals, no matter what the age. I am going to explain all of the reasons right now.
    Teens know the difference between wrong and right. At the age of eight, you should have this thing called a guilty mind. This means that your brain has been developed enough to know the difference btween wrong and right. Out of all of that, you especially should know that taking one's life away is wrong.
    If you commit an adult crime, you CAN and WILL pay the adult time. Why do teens get such a short period of time when their crimes are sometimes MUCH WORSE than ADULTS? This why if you commit the crime, you do the time.
    Criminals are criminals, no matter what age. I say this because kids and adults can commit the same crime but kids get smaller incruments of time. What's wrong with that picture?
    On the other hand, some people say that kids should not be tried as adults. I disagree with them. Some people say that kids have no idea of what they're doing. You have giulty mind at the age of eight. How do you not know what you're doing?
    They also say that if they do commit a crime, they should start with a new life for them to forget about what they did. This shouldn't happen because them could commit the crime again, never learning from what they did.
    This is why I say that teens should be charged as adults only if they commit adult crimes.

  86. In my opinion I think teens should be tried as adults. They aren't little kids anymore and they should understand what they are doing. If you are old enough to have a guilty mind if you commit the crime you should do the time in jail. You should always think before you act, and if you don't that is nobody's fault but yours. If the law and court systems keep giving teens chance after chance after chance they will think they are invincible and can get away with anything. You keep giving them inches but they are taking miles. When they committed the crime they thought they were old enough when they committed the crime, so they should still think they are old enough to do the time for the crime that they committed.

    When you keep letting the kids get away with small crimes they think "oh if I got away with this crime I can get away with a higher crime" They will keep going up the ladder committing bigger crimes each time. That's like trying to teach somebody how to walk when they get 13. They want to say they are kids when they get to court but, when they were committing the crime they want to be all big and bad. The real question is who else believes teens should be tried as adults?

  87. I honestly think teens should be tried as adults when they commit adult crimes. I think it is wrong to let a child sly by on killing one or more people because if an adult was to kill one person, it would be the world for the killer/adult. But, if a child kills two or more people, its okay to let them go and to also be free to do the same thing over and over again. Some teenagers grew up around the violence that occur today. When teenagers commit adult crimes, they think they can do these bad things over and wont get charged. I think teenagers have more common sense and they also are way to intelligent to do the things they do. Either parents didn't have control over them or they wasn't strictly enforced with their child I know 100% that teenagers can do way better than they are doing now! Sometimes, teens just do what they want to and think they wont get caught. But nine times out of ten they usually do. Maybe their so called friends push them up to do it. They probably call them scared or even bully them just to be like the next person. Some teens just want to fit in with the crowd but you cant always fit in the crowd if it isn't you place. The teens that have been doing crucial things have been influence so much that they cant stop doing the wrong thing. This is exactly why I think teens should be tried as adults!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.


  90. I think teens should be tried as adults. I mean come on now teens know the consequences if they kill somebody. Like some of my out of school friends they about 13+. they always saying I'm gonna kill that girl and then I'm gone get away with it. I mean in my head I'm like you dumb dumb you gone get caught somebody gone witness it. If a teen 17 years old girl kill her boyfriend for constantly pushing her and slapping her in the past month. If I am the judge I guarantee you that SHE WILL BE TRIED AS AN ADULT. I mean she know the consequences.

    For example when that 17 year old boy and his friend killed his parents. If I was the judge yes you will go on down to juvenile for that little year and to prison you will go. Another example is if you say your momma is gone missing for the first time. The police come to your house search it. Then boom your mam is found under your bed dead as a door knob. The police ask you questions you say nothing. They fingerprint the body the they fingerprint you. BOOM its you finger prints. Guess where you going. Here's a hint not to foster care you're going to juvenile.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Kids should not be tried as adults. Kids should not be tried as adults because kids
    would still have a childs mind. This is because the child went to jail at such an young
    age that they have not went through the life stage of becoming an adult. Another
    reason is some people say kids have plenty of common sense. If they are still kids
    then how do expect for them to always know right from wrong. Also the ones thet do
    know right from wrong, the prosecuters are not always able to prove that they are
    guilty minded. My final reason is Jessica Wilde thinks kids should be tried as adults.
    Wilde thinks that the kid will grow up with a new identity and be left with only a faint
    memory. Wrong, if that kid is in a prison cell for so many hours a day then he/she has
    no other thing to really do but think about what they have done.
    I dont agree that teens should be tries as adults when thet commit adult crimes. My
    reason is prison is too violent for kids. If a child gets beaten badly or raped in prison
    by an inmate or others, most of the time the guards dont do anything about it. The
    inmates can make the kids do anything for them and the guards have no control over
    that if that inmate is not moved. Another reason is the kid wont know anything when
    they get out of prison. They would have restart their life and it would take a long time
    to do. Kids should not be tried as adults.

  93. I think kids should be trial as adults only if they 7yrs old and above. I say this because they should know what's right from wrong. If a kid that 7yrs old shoot somebody he should get tried as he is an adult. They send him to juvenile for a while then send him to jail when he's old enough. Kids shouldn't get off the hook just because they are little. To me when you hit the age of 7 and above you are becoming older and wiser. So that's why they should get trial as adults because they should no better and they should be responsible. If kids are over 7yrs old they have a guilty mind. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

    Some kids grew up around the violence that in our world today. When teenagers commit adult crimes, they think they can do these bad crimes and wont get charged. I think kids should have more common sense and they also should have some intelligence so that they want do these crimes. Kids should know better like some kids do. Kids should get trial on if its adults crimes.

  94. Yes, I do think that children should be tried as an adult. I think this because if a child took the time to plot the crime they should do the time.So like when a teen kills there own parents they know that they will go to juvenile or jail depending on the type of murder they did. Also i think that 13 and up should go to jail if murder because if they to juvenile then they will only serve like 5 years for it then they might come out and do the same thing again. So that's why I think should go to jail rather than juvenile. Most of the time they would do the crime but not do the time the only thing that would disagree with id giving a child the death sentence. Also a proven fact is that at the age you began to start to have a guilty mind. This means you are able to determine the consequences of all your actions because by this time in age you should know right from wrong. So it's almost like you know that the stove is hot and you touch it any way knowing that you would get burned. The child knew that he/she would get burned if they touched this just like if a teen did murder they know that it's wrong to kill another. Then there is a chance if they go to juvenile with other criminals then they might learn to be a better criminal from them, there for they come out doing worst than they did when they went in. So that's why i think that kids should be tried as adults but not only that they should be sent to jail instead of juvenile. I think this will better the child and break their criminal like mind.

  95. Yes, Teens should be tried as adults . I say this because if you can do the crime apparently you can do the time.Another reason is because by the time you are eight, you are responsible for all of you wrong decisions.My last reason is because once a CRIMINAL always a CRIMINAL.
    Apparently they knew the x consequence of their actions because if they didn't the wouldn't have committed the crime. Conisdering the fact that some children may have witnessed a lot of violence during their life time but they should be the blame as much as theri parents.

    For example. If an eight year old was to steal something they should get away because they have a guilty mind. A guilty mind is when a child knows whats right or wrong.

  96. Kids should be tried as adults in my opinion. I say this because They should be held accountable for their actions. If they committed the crime, they should have to do the time. Kids should not have the right to commit a crime and not be punished for it. That is just illogical. Other people say that kids should not be tried as adults if they commit a crime. I say that those people are wrong. They are wrong because they are making it seem as if the children can do whatever they want and not have to face consequences, when that is not how the world works. Everyone has to face the consequences. There is no special treatment in the world. Everyone is supposed to be equal, and the people that say children shouldn’t be tried as adults apparently don’t believe that. So in the end, I say that kids should be tried as adults, and the people that don’t say this are just wrong.

  97. I don't think that students should be tried as adults because their minds haven't fully developed to know right from wrong. Just like what Jessica Wilde said that when her 2 yrs. old baby had gotten murdered by some children that thought they could do that kind of thing for fun. Then also when a child does het put in jail, and come out of jail they go back to0 doing the same thing again. What the opposing side said that kids should be tried as adults how would they feel if their child went to jail at the age of 12 yrs. old. They would feel very awful about what had happened. That's what I think about this kind of action.

  98. In my honest opinion kids should be tried as adults.But it all depends on the depth of the crime.If a kid was a serial killer i would see him getting major jail time.On the contrary if a teen stole a watch or something harmless they shouldn't be charged as adults.I also dont agree with kids that ARE tried as adult to get life or death sentences.The kid has a life to live and the courts are robbing that teen of three fourths of their natural lives.But to conclude I do think kids should be tried as adult depending on the crime.

  99. I believe teens should be tried as adults. I say this because i think we as teens learn from simple mistakes when faced with difficult consequences, now who says we can't do the same with harder ones like going to jail. If they commit the crime they should have to do the time. The text states that teens do crimes that are every bit as heinous as adult crimes. I put that in there to ask, why shouldn't teens be tried as adults if the crimes that are being committed are about as worse as what some adults are doing? Some people say that kids shouldn't be tried as adults because they are, "too young" to understand the consequences of their actions. Honestly, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense because no one is ever to, to not, "understand". Some teens are committing crimes on purpose and judges are letting them off but, that isn't reasonable because when kids are put to trial no matter the crime, their consequence should be based off of if they are going to learn anything from the mistakes they made. Some also say that teens don't know their limitations for drugs or alcohol, but the thing is that if parents would take the time to make that their child is hanging around with the right group of kids inside of an appropriate environment drugs and alcohol would not be the subject in some criminal cases. Also, some say that children learn bad behavior from parents but, i think they should learn from their parents mistakes and what to do better. My dad always tells me that he wants me and my siblings go farther in life than him and my mom. This applies to everyone because not only should we be learning from another person's mistakes but we should be planning to go farther than where that person may be.
