---Martin Niemoller, Christian Pastor and Theologian in Nazi Germany
In the news today we see instances of protest against unjust laws. Whether we agree with the forms the protests take, these are examples of "civil disobedience". Take into consideration what you have been learning in Ms. Hall's class, ask yourself the question: would civil disobedience have made a difference in Nazi Germany? Using the quote above, address the following questions in a two well-written paragraphs (8-10 compound, complex sentences!):
- What do you think Martin Niemoller meant by this quote?
- Do you think that he regrets that he did not commit "civil disobedience"? Why or why not?
- Do you believe civil disobedience have changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany? Give two reasons to support your answer.
- Does civil disobedience have a place in society? Support your answer with two details.
Make sure to support your answers, explain your points, and check for grammar. This will count as a grade for Mrs. Yancie's and Ms. Hall's class.
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Martin Niemoller |
In my opinion what Martin Niemoller meant by this quote was that when everyone started to commit hate crimes against these groups of people he didn’t speak out. It wasn’t his people, but when they began to commit the hate crimes against his people no one wanted to help him. I feel that he does regret not committing to Civil Disobedience, because now no one will speak out or help him. I agree that Civil Disobedience did changed what was happening to the Jews in Germany, in my opinion if no one had spoken out or tried to defend the Jews The Holocaust would still be going on today. If the Soviets and Americans hadn’t been working to take Hitler out of power then people would still support concentration camps and the discrimination against Jews. So, Civil Disobedience does have a place in society whenever a law is unjust than in my opinion it is right for the people to come together to help others and themselves. Especially, in our day and time we don’t want some of the horrifying events in History to repeat themselves. So Civil Disobedience place in our society is to help to make a change so things don’t get as bad as they used to, like The Holocaust, The Civil Rights Movement, and etc. Also, to just make sure that every law is for best interest in the people and not against a certain race, gender, or health state, or just best for everyone but the citizens.
ReplyDeleteI believe that if the Jews would have used civil disobedience against the Jews then it wouldn't have help because it would have gave the Nazi a better reason just to kill. the Nazi had it made up in their mind that they wanted to elemental all Jews and therefore civil disobedience wouldn't have affect their plan because then they would have shot them dead.
ReplyDeleteThe reason why I believe this is because even though in america we were able to use civil disobedience we were only able to do it because the people above us goal wasn't to eliminate us it was to keep us segregated. Therefore if they were to kill us on the street it would cause a fight between the African american race and the white race. The Jews on the other hand did not have that advantage because they were trying to get rid of them not segregate them. So civil disobedience would have made Jews even more mad at the Jews which would have cause possible worst torture to the Jews, that's why i believe that civil disobedience would not have helped the Jews situation.
I believe Martin Niemoller quote was trying to send a message, that innocent human beings are being killed, because of what they believe in. This relates, back to the Holocaust, when millions of Jews were killed, because they were Jewish. I don’t think people should be criticized, or punished because of their faith, because everybody has something that they believe in. I do feel Martin Niemoller regrets, not committing civil disobedience, because if he took action, and tried to change the way things were, then the death of so many people could’ve been prevented. I do think civil disobedience has changed the outcome, of what happened to the Jews in Germany, because there were many occasions when the Jews tried to destroy bridges, power lines and also bridges, to throw the Nazis off their game,. I do feel civil disobedience is effective, because if multiple people stand together, and take a stand for one cause then it would make a difference in others lives. There can be things done about the many deaths of young African-American boys, but we just have to put our foot down, and make a change. Because it’s tough, for one person to make a change, but if we stick together, change can be made. I do think civil disobedience has a place in society, because civil disobedience can make a difference, if more focus is put to the problem, to solve all the issues.
ReplyDeleteThis quote means so much even though it's saying so little and for it to be a Nazi it has a tremendous value. Martin Niemoller meant when he said this quote was that, since he was of nothing like that like a Jew or socialist he felt it wasn't his duty to stand and fight for them when they were in trouble. After all of them were hurt and kilt and they knew who helped and didn't, when his time came to be hurt and treated wrong there was no one on his side, someone that wasn't like him, didn't follow what he follow, to stand there and say this is wrong and that you don't treat a human bean like this. So if it came down to him making another decision about helping thoughts that he may not understand than I think he may take a different approach and actually help them. Why, because if you are a teacher and you don’t want to teach the solders because they font want to be a teacher, than when they go out to war and die the Victorians will come after you. You must contribute in order to get stronger. Had someone that was following Hitler say “HEY THIS IS WRONG” and actually help them than when it was their turn there would have been someone to stand and say “ere on your side”. No instead they want to kill off a religion, not even a race. One reason civil disobedience would have changed the outcome of the Nazi Germany war would have been how many people that were actually kilt. Allot less people who have died if some Nazi stood up and helped them. Another would be that it would have taken a different approach and the laws would have even been made, the people making them could have voted against it, they knew in their hearts that it was wrongly Anne Frank said “I know deep down people are still good at hearts”. Maybe seeing Nazi convert and help would have gave the Jews a stronger hand to disobey unjust laws, like martin Luther king say “One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. So in all I think civil disobedience has a place but only if you follow what martin Luther king says, only disobey unjust laws, laws that were set in place for all people shouldn’t be broken.
ReplyDeleteI think that Martin Niemoller means that whatever you are, the Nazi Germany would and will come for you. Martin was a Christian, not a Jew, and they still came for him. So that meant that the Nazis didn't care who they were going to conquer over, as long as they had absolute power. I think he does regret it, because maybe if he were to speak out against the Nazis, he probably would have a better chance of help prevent all of the killings of the innocent people in the Holocaust. The Nazis had power over some of Europe I admit that, but with just enough power in Europe, and with other allied forces in the mix, the Nazis would've been taken down way before they actually did. Just like the holocaust for example. If all the people in the concentration Camps could have all teamed up with each other, they could have taken over that concentration camp. The other camps could do it too, but it would be a slow, working, progress. An actual simple plan to easily take over the Nazis with civil disobedience. I think that civil disobedience have a place in society. Like in Baltimore, they for literally destroying their city just because of Freddie Gray. Like in the 90's the same thing happened to Los Angeles. When Rodney King got beaten up by them cops and nothing was done about it, Los Angeles went crazy. Similar into what happened with Freddie Gray, I assume he had gotten beat up by the cops in the van and that’s how he got his injuries that led him into his death. These are the reasons people are going to be civilly disobedient. Nothing is done the right way, so people result into rioting for them to get noticed until something is done about it. This is how I think of this subject.
ReplyDeleteI think Martin Niemoller meant that he hide behind everyone. He never spoke up for himself therefore when it was time he was forced because he didn't stand up for himself.I think that he regrets not committing to civil disobedience because he always hide behind everyone else.He did not speak up against unjust laws so that would make it hard for him.
ReplyDeleteI think civil disobedience would have helped the Jews in Germany because if you speak up for something you know isn't right maybe it would have helped them if they protested.Civil Disobedience has a lot of impact on society because many people think that unjust laws are not right so it's better to act towards that than to do nothing at all.just standing by is going to get you nowhere.Many people have died in racial violence ,and civil disobedience is the only thing that is helping people these days.It seems like people only respond to violence.Just like Trayvon Martin,Freddy Gray,and Mike Brown.They were killed based on race and it wasn't right at all that's why people are responding with Civil Disobedience.
In my opinion I believe Martin Niemoller meant by his quote was that, you have to speak up for yourself because no one can be yourself except you. As he stated in his quote “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist.” The Socialists are to speak up for themselves and not want someone else to speak for them. He also said, “Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist.” The Trade Unionist are suppose to speak for themselves just as Martin Niemoller is suppose to speak up for himself. I do believe that he may regret that he didn’t commit civil disobedience because if he would’ve committed it, he would’ve spoke up for himself. Instead of waiting on someone to speak for him. The civil disobedience would’ve been a way he could’ve shown his voice instead of just inhaling everything without saying anything.
ReplyDeleteI do believe civil disobedience have changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany because they handled their situations very differently that each other. Despite that each event someone died, but the Jews in Nazi Germany had a numerous amount of more deaths. But the way the situations happened were different because in Nazi Germany at least five million people died and the way they died was very crucial. The way the civil disobedience happened was crucial but it wasn’t as near as crucial as the Nazi Germany and not that many people died during the civil disobedience. Civil disobedience does have a place of society which is, civil disobedience occurs when someone doesn’t agree with something that happened. So they take it in their own hands and show people how they feel. For example, the people in Baltimore committed civil disobedience because they didn’t agree with the actions the police officer made. The civil disobedience that occurred in Ferguson was committed because of an action a police officer made to someone.
I think that in this quote Martin meant that when he was just sitting around watching everyone else suffer not have anyone take up for them he didn’t care. But, as they came for him, no one was there for him either so he felt like he was wrong to ignore all the others and expect someone to care for him. I think he is saying that people only tend to care when it is about them and expect everyone to be on their side when they can’t give others the same. I think he does regret that he didn’t commit civil disobedience because he knows that in the case he did commit he would have people there by his side when he needed the support.
ReplyDeleteDo I believe that civil disobedience changed the outcome for the Jews, no not really, because as they were captured nothing changed. The punishment for going into hiding was the same punishment for the ones who were captured without hiding. The only change that I can see was the world has progressed in terms of genocide and murdering because of hate. Now don’t get me wrong, because murdering because of hatred is very questionable now, but I see that the world has done something about it. Hiding was disobedient from the directions that the Jews were given but they understood that they had a correct reason to hide in fear and the want to stay alive. Civil disobedience does have its rightful place in this society because all laws are not fair to all people. When people notice these things it is their right to be mad, upset, and angry because as a United State’s citizen was have the same equality as everyone else. No man or woman should have to worry about how they would be treated, not by the color of their skin or the religion they believe in. as one world you are to have different beliefs and customs. It’s shall not be said to be wrong if you don’t believe in the same things as the person standing next to you. If that is an issue than civil disobedience shall be thought of and used. But, be sure that it is a good type of civil disobedience and not the type that is violent. Sometimes aggression can overcome the challenge that you are facing, but non-violence can never do you wrong. Realizing that nonviolence is the source to peace and prosperity can be all that is needed to survive.
I believe Martin Niemoller, was going through a lot at the time. Saying that, I believe he meant that when he was probably sent to a concentration camp, he didn’t ever think it would happen. In my opinion I believe he thought that, keeping his mouth shut would do him the best. But like the old saying goes, what goes around comes around. If he helped the others, even though he was not a part of their community he would have probably got help too. That also leads me to furthermore believe that, he regrets not committing civil disobedience. If he would have committed that, then he would have made a name for his self such as Dr.King. If you help many people, others would help you as well.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I strongly do not believe civil disobedience would have changed the outcome. The first reason I say this, because Germany took over France in 1940 and France had a very strong military. Saying that, this means they were very ruthless at killing anything that came in their way no matter what. I honestly think the people would be to scared to do such thing. The second reason is, because there were too many Germans when you compare them to the Jews. The Jews were not as strong as the Germans, because there were new Nazis joining everyday just to kill. That is why I do not believe civil disobedience has a place in society. Just because we as a community do riots and be ruthless, does not give a strong message out. I think we should just be more like Dr.King and do not use violence. Then what would the pres, have to say negative about us and the police, government, and others will look stupid in the face if they do not give us justice. The world we live in is very cruel, but there are many ways we can change it if we work together in peace.
I believe that the Martin Niemoller was trying to show people that in order for us to move forward we must stand up for what we believe in and if not then the world might not ever become unified ever again. yes because he knows that what the Nazi did was wrong and that those people that were killed can never come back but if he would have stood up for what was right then he could have helped a lot of people to survive. i do not think it would have change anything because the Nazi were designed and orchestrated to kill all Jews and civil disobedience wouldn't have been the thing to stop them. Also even they did use civil disobedience it would have gave the Nazi a better reason just to kill the Jews. That's why i believe that civil disobedience wouldn't have prevented anything. Yes because in some situations civil disobedience has a great impact that will affect the world in a positive way. If we didn't have civil disobedience then the world wouldn't be the same.
ReplyDeleteIn the quote, the writer states that he did not help because he was not a part of the captured groups, but when he needed help no one was there to help him. Based on that statement, I think that Niemoller meant that when someone is in need of help, you should do what is right based on your beliefs because you would want the same done for you. Even if doing what is right goes against the laws, you should do it either way. The writer, Martin Niemoller, must have regretted not helping the people in need. When he was in need of help, there was no one left because everyone else had been captured. I believe that he thinks that there were no one left because he did not act in civil disobedience. Although sometimes it may seem right, civil disobedience will not help all situations. If the Jews had acted in civil disobedience, they would have most likely been slaughtered where they stood.
ReplyDeleteIf the Nazi army killed millions of Jews without civil disobedience, they would of done the same even if there were protests. The Nazis would have probably just killed them no matter how many of them there were, or what they were trying to gain. Also, there was a war happening during that time period, so their government was most likely too busy with that to help them with the Nazis or listen to their demands. I believe that peaceful acts of civil disobedience, and only peaceful acts, belong in today's society. Since it is very hard for one person to change the way things are, people need a small army to protest and get their voices heard. If civil obedience did not help in any way, then there would still be segregation in our streets today. This tells me that peaceful civil disobedience not only belongs in today society, but it also would have a positive outcome on it as well.
I think that he meant that since he didn’t speak out for the others that wasn’t his kind, he had no one to speak out for him. So he is trying to tell us that we need to help one another so that we can all be unbreakable. I don’t think he necessarily regrets it but he wishes that more was done in terms of helping his people. I think this because of the last thing he said which was “ Then they came for me- and there was no one left to speak for me.” It made me know he was highly upset at how things were done because they wiped out everybody and no one was there to help him. Yes, I do feel civil disobedience would have changed the outcome if they would have simply stuck together. If they rebelled and did crazy things the people would eventually leave them alone. Civil Disobedience has a place in society but only to a certain extent. Meaning people shouldn't start rioting of just anything . It has to be something that is effecting the lives or well beings of our fellow citizens.
ReplyDeleteI think Martin meant that he was selfish and expected someone to help him when he got caught up but, when someone else was in need of a helping hand he was no where to be found because he thought it wasn't his business. He likes to receive and not give back to people that would have helped him. I believe he does regret not committing civil disobedience because people saw him as the bad guy and when he was in need of help they wouldn’t help because they would think he would betray and hurt them. I believe he was a self- centered man who expected others to do good for him and he did nothing for others.
ReplyDeleteI do think civil disobedience would have changed the outcome of the Nazi /Germany situation because with them being violent, it would only make the Nazi more mad and make them want to hurt them more. The people of Germany would be standing up for themselves and their rights in a non- violent way. A lot of people see violence as the answer because if you harm them they can’t do anything to you but, if you think about it, there are more than just 1 person against all of the innocents. Therefore, you are hurting only one person out of hundreds/ thousands.
Martin Niemoller once said "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me." What does he mean? In my opinion he is saying that what people did, was unjust. What he did was unjust. Basically he is saying that nothing is fair, and it never will be. He is saying that he didn’t stand up for something that was right, when he should have, and it came back around to him. I believe that Niemoller did regret not committing civil disobedience, because later on when he was sent to a concentration camp, he then knew what all the other Jews that went before him, went through, or is going through it with him. He knew that no one helped him, like he didn’t help them.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, i believe that if nobody spoke out, the holocaust would still be going on, and so would segregation. Segregation ended because of how hard Martin Luther King Jr. fought to end all of the hatred. The holocaust ended because of how hard society fought. In my opinion, i believe that Civil Disobedience does have a place in society. I believe this, because of all the fighting that has taken place in the past, and where we are now. If it wasn’t for Civil Disobedience, we most likely wouldn’t be here.
Caleb Tillman
ReplyDeleteI believe that Martin Niemoller meant that you should treat others the way you want to be treated. I also believe that he was trying to say, that if you don`t help others, then how can you expect them to help you. I do believe that he regrets not committing civil disobedience, because in the end it came to bite him in the behind. What ever you do always comes back on you, might not come now, might not come later, but it will come back on you. So you have to be mindful of that. I do believe civil disobedience could have changed what happened in Germany, because when you think about it the Jews never did fight back. In any way, they just let it happen. Because of that 6 million of them died, so they were 6 million people short because they didn`t fight back.
Civil disobedience could`ve brought their allies in earlier and brought more attention to the Holocaust. Plus it was so many of them that the Nazi`s would have to listen. The only thing they needed was a strong political leader, to lead them, like Martin Luther King Jr. Me personally I don`t think the Jews cared that much about their race being slaughtered, because not once have you heard about them fighting back, in any type of way. I do believe that civil disobedience has a place in society because it works. Civil disobedience has helped us African Americans in numerous ways to overcome all the racism that was in the U.S. For example in Selma Dr. King repeatedly used civil disobedience on those violent white people. As much as they beat them down and killed them, he still used it.
I think that Martin Neimoller meant that don't try to be someone your not. I also think that he meant that if your a bystander and you see some one doing wrong but you wont stop them the there will be nothing left on this earth to help you when they come for you. You shouldn't let them treat the people of the world like this because without them and the help of God they wouldn't have gotten as far as they did in life. I don't think that Martin regrets the fact that he didn't commit civil disobedience because if he did he would have to suffer bad consequences. He wouldn't have wanted to go through that struggle because of some poor decision he made.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that civil disobedience changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany because they were going to die either way. The Nazis mind weren't focused on whether or not the Jews break the rules or not because they were going to be killed either way.They were also focused on how they were going to torture the Jews.The only law the Nazis knew was KILL ALL JEWS! I think that civil disobedience does have a place in society because there are so many laws being broken everyday. For an example, people think that speeding is ok but when someone gets hurt no one has anything to do with the situation. Also, underage drinking at parties and such. When they get caught and have to suffer the consequences then they ask themselves 'How did I get into this?'. The thing you learn from this is if you break a law there is always a consequence.
I believe this quote mean that Martian didn't want to stick up for his self. I believe he wanted other to help him when he can't help anyone else. I do believe that he regret not committing to civil disobenence because when no one else was around, he was all by his stuff. He didn't have any help so he had to speak up or he was going bye bye. I do believe that this would have change how the jess were in Germany because if they would have spoken up, this would have never stated in the first place. All those innocent little people wouldn't have to for and even children that lost their lives at such a young age.Well, i feel civil disobedience isn't all that practical anymore when it comes to serious disobedience As the population increases and the government becomes larger and the value of "shock" increaess, it becomes harder for people to commit meaningful acts of civil disobedience
ReplyDeleteWhat I believe that Martin meant was that there was many hate crimes against innocent people and he didn't speak up for them though he knew it was wrong. Because he didn't speak up, the crimes continued on other races. It came to the point where the hate crimes was on him and his people, but because he didn't speak up for all those people that suffered hate crimes, they sat there and no one spoke up for him because he didn't speak up for them. I believe that he regrets not committing civil disobedience because once everyone was gone and there was no one to speak up for him, he wouldn't be able to escape the hate crimes and have to suffer through them. If he had spoke up for all those people, they would have spoken up for him. I believe that because all of the civil disobedience slowed the Nazis progress as destruction of roads continued so there was no travel. Also the civil disobedience destroyed the power lines so there was no communication between places. Civil disobedience can be a good thing if you are trying to stop a terrible thing but, now civil disobedience is being used to destroy people's neighborhoods over one person's life which isn't called for.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Martin meant what he said about his quote because all the crimes against people who haven't done anything was proven to him as wrong. However, with him not telling many people the crimes continued to other kinds of people. Such as the Nazi attacking the Jews for religion. Also, with the Civil Rights Movement with African-Americans, they wanted their right to vote but since they are treated like criminals when they haven't even done they are hit with tear gas, get shot at, and beaten up. In today's society it is the same. With the whites they shoot at unarmed African-Americans killing them and taking them out of he earth early. Then at the same time the white men are police officers and they abuse the law for killing people when the are supposed to have justice to be served and protect all people.
ReplyDeleteI think he regrets to not having disobedience because the world could be a better place if his quote would've stay intact to the world in a stronger way. I think that if a more peaceful protest was brought out things could have better for the world today. Today can always lead to a better tomorrow so if the peaceful protest was emerged the world would be better. For example if a peaceful protest was in Ferguson, things could've been resolved in a more civil manner. So in comparison he should regret that he didn't use a peaceful protest because the world could possibly have a better change in history today.
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ReplyDeleteI think what Martin Niemoeller was trying to say was that since he knew no one was going to be able to speak for him, he didn't speak for anyone else. So basically he only spoke for himself and his people or that being the only thing he focused his life style on. I do believe that he may have regretted that he didn't commit civil disobedience because of it being the refusal to comply with certain laws. Although this might've been very dangerous for him, it could've helped him move forward in what he wanted for himself and his people. On the other hand, I also don't believe he regretted that he didn't commit civil disobedience because he may have thought ahead and about the danger he may have got himself into. I do believe that civil disobedience have changed the outcome of what happened with the Jews in Nazi Germany because although them hiding was against Hitler, it was best for them to be safe hiding rather than dying. Civil disobedience does have a place in society because all people has the right to speak out even if they think something such as a certain law isn't right or people disobeying it and getting away. Their thought is that they may have a chance to force the government to do or change something.
ReplyDeleteI think what Martin Niemoller meant by: "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me." was that since those people that were getting killed were not his people he was not going to speak out. But when his people where getting killed, he spoke out but no one helped him. What goes around, comes around. I do think he regrets to not committing "civil disobedience". I say this because if he would have spoke for the others, the he would have people to stand by him and speak for him. But since he didn't do that, he's all alone in the open by himself. I believe civil disobedience has changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany. I say this because if the Jews would have fought back like the people are doing now in Boston, that would only make matters worse. But if they do what Martin Luther King Jr. did marching in Selma, then they will have a positive outcome. I also say this because with them not fighting back they made it out even when people still died. I believe civil disobedience have a place in society. For example if we all work together in a PEACEFUL way like Martin Luther King Jr., instead of burning down our own buildings, then we can make progress. Action speak louder than words.
ReplyDeleteOnesimus Collins 8B
ReplyDeleteWhat I think Martin Niemoller meant by his quote was that, since he didn’t speak up for the others then there wasn’t anyone to speak for him when he was in need. If he would have spoken up then maybe everyone else would have joined him, in speaking up and they wouldn’t be taken away. I think Martin Niemoller did regret not committing civil disobedience because maybe if he had committed civil disobedience then he wouldn’t have been taken too. What would there be to lose, because if his civil disobedience didn’t work then he’ll still be taken away. In my opinion I do think civil disobedience has changed the outcome of Nazi Germany, because if they didn’t commit Civil Disobedience then there would still be concentration camps and the killing of Jews.
By now it would probably be no more Jews, except those that are protected by those who are against the Nazis. The Civil Disobedience had an outcome of the Nazis being defeated and surrendering. Another reason I think Civil Disobedience has changed the outcome of Germany because Hitler would have did anything to get rid of Jews, because he believed they were the source of all bad and evil, but since others committed Civil Disobedience Hitler was Defeated. I believe Civil Disobedience does have a place in society. Without Civil Disobedience, then it would be like you not having your own beliefs and rights. Also without Civil Disobedience then some matters wouldn’t be corrected or brought out to the public.
Martin Neimollor meant by that quote is that everyone was dying and by the time he was caught or about to die, there was nobody else. He was too quiet and should have spoken up. If he had spoken up, every one would have join together and been disobedient. Sometimes you have to be disobedient in order to get something done or achieved. I think Martin Neimollor regret that he didn't do civil disobedience, it only take one person to speak up to change events. If he would have spoken up not as many people wouldn't have got killed.
ReplyDeleteI think civil disobedience would have changed the out come of the Jews being killed. For example instead of 6 million people dying it would have been less than 1 million. The Jews should have stuck up for themselves. Another example is that the Nazi's would have gave up and stopped messing with the jews. If the Jews would have done that nobody would have been messing with the Jews. I think civil disobedience does have a place in society because it would have prevented a lot of things. One example is the Jews if the jews would have be disobedient they would have made the Nazi's surrender and been a force to be reckon with. Another example is the civil rights movement. Blacks where Being arrested and killed, if they would have did a civil disobedience moment, the whites would have stop messing with the black. It only take one person the save a lot of lives
I think that Martin meant that he wanted all people should be treated equally no matter what is your race, religion, or etc. I think he does regret not using civil disobedience because if he did he would have made a point like Martin Luther King Jr. did. I think that civil disobedience would changed the outcome of the Nazis because it would still have the Green Police killing all the Jews and putting them in concentration camps. If all the problems in the world didn't have some type of civil disobedience, it will be chaos. The Nazi will still have their way and the Jews wouldn't have their rights as citizens. I believe that civil disobedience has a place society because it lets people who don't have say speak up and defend for their race, religion, and etc. Certain people would have their own beliefs and rights, if their wasn't somebody using civil disobedience to defend for their selves and others.
ReplyDeleteMartin Niemoller meant that when they were coming for the other groups no one stood up. Then when they came for him there was no one left to vouch for him. I think Martin regretted not committing civil disobedience because he could have made a difference. He sat back and watched many other groups be killed instead of speaking out. When it was his turn though, there was no one else able to speak for him because he was the only one. He should have stood up while other people were being taken because he would have had other people supporting him and not be alone.
ReplyDeleteCivil disobedience could have made a difference with the Jews and the Nazis too. There were nine million of the Jews so they could have made some kind of impact instead of just going alone with it. More attention could have been drawn to the Holocaust if they would have made a stand. The allies maybe would have come faster and less Jews would have been killed. By not providing any resistance the Jews let the Holocaust seem like a small deal and were just slayed. Civil disobedience does have some place in society depending on the situation. Martin Luther King Jr.’s walk and protest were a big example of civil disobedience and they worked. Also, Mahatma Gandhi’s Salt march was another great example of civil disobedience because it non-violent and they also got something accomplished. Civil disobedience for the Jews could have made a difference but the world will never know.
I think by the quote Martin meant that even though he felt bad for those people he wouldn't speak up because he wasn't like them. Then when he was attacked there was no one left to help him because he didn't help everyone that was troubled before he was. I think he does regret that he did not perform civil disobedience because he says that he only did not help because he wasn't one of them so he has to regret not being there to help. Honestly civil disobedience would have changed what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany because even if the non-Jews thought it was bad and spoke up Hitler couldn't kill them because then he will be harming his own people when he was supposedly helping his people by getting rid of the Jews. Civil disobedience does have a place in society because whenever a group of people disagrees with something they perform civil disobedience. Also there are apparently no problems that a little acting up can't do according to most people who think something was unjust.
ReplyDelete“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Socialist. They came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me” --- Martin Niemoller, Christian Pastor and Theologian in Nazi Germany. I feel the reason that Martin Niemoller said this was to explain that because he didn’t speak up for the others, no one spoke up for him. In a since, Martin had bad karma. He didn’t speak up for the other groups of people because he wasn’t apart of those groups. So, when the Nazis came for him to stick up in his defense. I believe that Martin regrets that he did not commit ‘civil disobedience”. Had he came to the defense of the other people then people would’ve come to his defense. Of course, Martin didn’t do this so the people thought it was only right that he suffer like the others. He decided stay quiet and not fight against any of the things that the Nazis were doing. He and many others like him just watched as innocent beings were put to death or worked to mere exhaustion. Maybe if these people had spoken up then the Holocaust wouldn’t have existed.
ReplyDeleteCivil disobedience could’ve helped stop the Holocaust altogether. If the people were to protest and get hurt, then people all over the world would come aware of the Holocaust. They would’ve then took initiative and helped the people stand up to Hitler and the Nazis. For this reason, I believe that civil disobedience has a place in society. Civil disobedience shows lawmakers that the people don’t believe all laws to be just. If they do not change them, then we will continue to protest. The more we protest the more attention we will draw. So, I believe civil disobedience can make a change in society.
I think Martin Niemoller meant that you should stand up for people because one day you may need those people to stand up for you. He may also mean that if you can stand up you should because you may regret it one day. I believe that he does regret not committing civil disobedience. If he didn't regret it, he probably wouldn't be talking about it. I believe if he had stood up for those people, someone would've stood up for him. Since he did not stand up for them in their time of need, no one stood up for him in his time of need. For some reason he did not speak up and now he regrets his choice to just stand by because he wasn't part of the apprehended group(s).
ReplyDeleteI believe that civil disobedience would not have stopped the holocaust. Hitler was a cruel and unjust leader. If someone had stood up to Hitler's rules, they would have been killed. Either killed or sent to a concentration camp and starved, worked to death, gassed, or another horrible way to die in a concentration camp. In my opinion civil disobedience does have a place in society. Society would nit be the same without civil disobedience. If no one in earlier times had stood up for what they believed in, our society today would not be the way it is.
In this quote I believe that Martin Niemoller is saying that because he didn’t stand up for the others they were all killed. There was so many hate crimes against the groups he listed in his quote and maybe he was afraid to stand out, but you shouldn’t be afraid to stand up for others. Maybe if he had stood up for them they would still be safe. With the voice of one the voice of many could awaken. I think he regrets that he did not commit “Civil Disobedience” because he wanted to help. In the quote he said ,“Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me." when he said that he was saying no one was left to speak up for him because so many voices were silenced and killed no one was left to speak up for him. If he had committed Civil Disobedience then there would be two outcomes one, you save MILLIONS of lives or two you get in trouble with the law. Isn’t it worth the chance, one life for millions.
ReplyDeleteI think Civil Disobedience would’ve changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Germany. I say that because if people spoke up for what they believed was right others would open their eyes and protest then maybe, just maybe Hitler could’ve had a change in heart after he saw how many people hated his opinion. The voices could’ve saved so many lives including the famous, Anne Frank. I think Civil Disobedience has a place in society because the law should be created to help the people and not punish them for no reason. If you believe something is wrong then you should stand up for what you don’t like. Especially if it’s something that effects your life and your family.
I think that by the quote, Martin Niemoller meant that since he didn't find the laws unjust he didn't protest against them. He just sat back and watched because it had nothing to do with him. Only when he was the one being targeted, he acted but he had no one to act with him. I think he does regret not committing civil disobedience because karma came to him. He didn't help the others fight for what they believed in, so he had no one to help him when he needed it the most. I don't think civil disobedience have changed the outcome because the Nazi were ruthless people. They would have killed the Jews whether they protested or not. The ones that stood up against it just made it easier for the Nazi to abolish them. Civil disobedience does have a place I'm society. If you think about it, civil disobedience IS society. Not a lot of people would allow their rights to be cut off. Today's society is trained to fix itself whether the outcome is bad or good. Burning down buildings is the way to solve the unjust law, according to some people in the society. Sitting back and letting time handle the situation is the right thing to do for others. Everyone understands that we all have rights that should not be broken. Whether or not we stand up for our rights, civil disobedience is existent. It exists in the actions of society as well as the minds.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion what I think that what Martin Neimoller meant was that since he didn't say or do anything when everyone was being taken away, when they came for him there was no one left to stand up or out for him. Yes I do think that Martin regrets not committing civil disobedience because since he didn't he was alone when they came for him because there was no one left. Yes I do think civil disobedience would have created a different outcome in Nazi Germany because knowing what the Nazis are capable of they would have killed Jews but I don't it would have gotten to the point of a million Jews dying and being put in concentration camps. Yes I do think civil disobedience has a place in society because of the videos I saw of the riots in baltimore and the media seems to think that civil disobedience should be in society because all they want to video tape us the negative that goes on in the world. Another reason because of Martin Luther King Jr did when having peaceful protests and I think the media should be taking footage of that instead of the negative things happening in this world. Start focusing on the positive.
ReplyDeleteI think that Martin Niemoller meant that you cannot simply let things go by because it doesn't involve you, make a change within the society. He is also saying that you should treat others as you would have them to treat you. How would you like it if someone didn't stand up for you in your time of need? At the end of the quote, Martin ends off by saying, "Then they came for me- and there was no one left to speak for me." By this quote, I believe that Martin feels guilty about not committing civil disobedience. He now understands exactly how those who were persecuted felt. An example of the power of civil disobedience would be with the Jews in Nazi Germany. They held a protest in Berlin in February and March of 1943 to get rid of the Holocaust laws. If they were not persistent with their protest, the Jewish people would have not been freed. Because they were consistent and they did not use violence, the Nazis decided that they did not want to kill off Jews anymore. Civil disobedience is very powerful and it deserves its rightful place within society today. I say that because we should not let unjust laws pass without our voices being heard. We cannot let our voices be heard by watching things pass by, or waiting for someone else to make a stand. Also, we have to make our world a better place to live in. The world will only become a better place by having just laws, and keeping liberty and peace in our every day lives. Without civil disobedience, this world will be filled with hatred.
ReplyDeleteIn this quote, Martin Niemoller is saying that when society came looking for Socialist, Trade Unionist, and Jews he did not speak for their rights, but when society came looking for him and his kind, there was no one to speak for his rights. He was basically saying that what goes around comes back around. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. best describe with this quote,“Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.” This shows that society can be cruel beyond recognition. I do believe that Martin Niemoller regrets that he did not commit “civil disobedience” because if he was brave enough to stand for someone else's rights then maybe he can inspire someone to stand up for his rights.
ReplyDeleteCivil disobedience would’ve changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany because those six million people would not be dead and Adolf Hitler would be imprisoned. Just by millions of Jews and the help of others not following unjust laws, the world could have been changed. Civil disobedience does have a place in society. For example if there is a law that says that no religious practices should be spreaded, you would disobey the law because it goes against your moral beliefs.
In my opinion, considering all of the things that Jews went through in Germany, I believe Martin Niemoller meant that he felt he could only speak for himself. I think that Martin felt this way because he knew that speaking up for others was going to result in his life being taken, so I feel he was afraid. I do believe, however, that Martin felt disappointment in the future for not displaying civil disobedience because he knew that eventually, the Nazi's would come for him. Niemoller knew that if he had have spoken up for everyone else that he could've died, but then again mercy might have come. Not many times will one person's stand-up result in mercy, but if more than one person stood up, there could've been a change.
ReplyDeleteI believe that civil disobedience would not have helped what happened with the Nazi's in Germany because there would have to be much prayer and violence. Many people in Germany had to die instantly because of their ethnicity and it wasn't fair but would take a lot more than just standing up to hit their thick skulls. Another reason civil disobedience would not have made a change in Germany with the Nazi's is because these strict-minded people already placed blame on innocent people and were sticking with it. Civil disobedience does have a place in society because when triumphs occur, people are so fast to fight or defend their side. For example, civil disobedience took place slightly when Trayvon Martin passed because everyone was ready to blame the black man for being black. Everyone was fighting, more peacefully than most, but there were many problems. The biggest problem of all was that no one really understood that just as Tray didn't choose to be black, George didn't choose to be white. I think another great example is the death for shoes crimes and riots. There is proof in that, that civil disobedience is and always was truly apart of society. Shoes that are worth some money is worth putting up fights and tears for, but lives been taken is the ultimate result. I will leave on this note, how on Earth can we live free, if we are living constantly in disobedience and pain.
I think that Martin Niemdler meant that he felt like he wasn't doing the "right thing". What I mean when I say this is that he may have done the right thing by not being a victim of civil disobedience, he still felt like it really wasn't right. I feel like he thought deep down it wasn't the right thing I think he regrets that he didn't commit civil disobedience. If I were in his shoes , I would feel just as responsible as Hitler, because I could have saved several families, but I wimped out. I think that civil disobedience would have changed the outcome. I believe that if Martin Niemdler would have said how he truly felt, it would have changed the way people looked at and what they wanted to do with the Jews. Another reason was because he was a pastor , and people admire pastors and respect them. Civil disobedience has a place in society. Without civil disobedience, America wouldn't be the same today. There would still be segregation and discrimination.Without civil disobedience I don't think players of color and different ethnic groups would be in the Major League Baseball Association.
ReplyDeleteI believe Martin Niemoller meant that by the time they had reached him, his voice was as weak as all others he mentioned. He possibly felt that it would do no good to speak out at this point. He did have others who probably would have supported him if he had spoken out earlier but he missed that chance. He witnessed as others did the demise of many people around him regardless of what action or stand they took. It ultimately ended in their capture or death. I think he eventually regretted not making the decision to stand up for what was right and speak out on it. But I am having kind of a hard time thinking that he regretted not committing civil disobedience. We need to keep in mind that he was a Protestant pastor, so what would it look like to have a well-known Protestant pastor break the law of the land? I’m not sure if this is what he was thinking but that line of thinking is the only thing that makes sense to me when it comes to his actions.
ReplyDeleteI do believe civil disobedience could have changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews and others. I mean look at the numbers of Jews compared to Nazi Germany. It seems to me that they could have all got together and did something to overturn the Nazis. But maybe there were not enough Jews with prominent power among them to lead out. I think Hitler realized this and took advantage of that fact which is why he gained the power he did. Civil disobedience can be looked at in many ways. We have so many unfortunate things going on around us in our lives today such as police brutality, wrongful deaths, injustice practices in our court rooms, and mass riots. Many of us have a misconception when it comes to the real meaning of civil disobedience. I go back to a paper I did on Ghandi not too long ago. He was a great example of how civil disobedience should be acted out. Peaceful, non-violent gatherings and rallies were his take on making a difference and motivating change. But it was not until people started joining together with him in the cause that the change began to unfold. Those very things are also what it is going to take today to make a difference in our society. Does civil disobedience have a place in society today? My answer is yes, as long as it is done peacefully and with no violence. It is going to take the government, the citizens and all others who may think they have no voice to stand and work TOGETHER to make a difference. If we do not and continue to stay on the path that we are now, I am afraid of what our future will look like.
For this quote, I believe Martin Niemoller meant that there was no one left to stand up for him because he never stood up for him. Everyone was gone once they came for him. Nothing can be done if something isn’t handeled the first time it happens. I believe Martin does regret he didn’t commit civil disobedience because he would then be alive. You can’t expect for anyone to help you if you never help anyone else. If he had stood up for the ones who left before him, he might have faced a different outcome. Instead, he watched his family and friends get taken one by one. Once one person stands up, others will fall behind and continue your work.
ReplyDeleteI don’t believe civil disobedience would have changed the outcome of what happened to the jews in Nazi Germany because they had a massive army. Also, civil disobedience of a few cities or states wouldn’t have changed anything at all. All of Europe was affected by Nazi Germany. Therefore, you needed more than a few countries to put an end to their terror. Civil disobedience does not have a place in society. Even though you don’t like a law doesn’t mean than you can disobey it. Laws are put into place for a reason, so they can lead us in the right direction. The work of a few can’t change a whole continents mindset.
When Martin said that quote, I think he meant that when people were in the need of help, he didn't speak up for them and help them. So now that he needs the same help, there's no one there or left to speak up for him. Basically he felt that because he wasn't apart of the same group as the people that he didn't feel as though he was obligated to help them. I believe that Martin probably did regret not committing to civil disobedience because if he stuck up for what he knew was wrong and what made him uncomfortable, then in the end he would've had people to help him when he needed it. On the other hand he probably felt that if he was the only one trying to stick up for everybody that he would've been the one that got punished for and no one would say anything. Even though he didn't, he still had to suffer the same consequences like everyone else. He wasn't the only one because there were other people who felt the same way and just sat that saying nothing. Doing and saying nothing gets you no where. If one or two or everyone said something about the way they felt towards the things that were happening, the holocaust wouldn't have happened.
ReplyDeleteCivil disobedience could have helped what was going on. There were people that died unfairly all because of the way they look and who they are. With civil disobedience, it will show that people don't appreciate being treated that way. It show that the people want to make a change because the laws that they have to abide by isn't right. Then people would start looking at things differently and more people will agree and contribute to making that change. Civil disobedience does have a place in society because it helps people stick up for what they believe in. If the people don't get their way then they'll just keep doing things like protesting and rioting, until someone realizes that the people are serious. The people don't want to do those things, but that's the only way they can get attention and get there point across.
I believe that Martin meant was when people were going against different ethnic groups he did not stand up for them. He didn't stand up because he wasn't them.So I believe he regrets not standing up for others. I say that because when they came for him he had no one to stand up for him. I believe that civil disobedience wouldn't help the Jews at all in Germany. The Germans had control so even if they tried anything the Germans would have made their lives harder. I think civil disobedience has a place in society today if it is done correctly. Non violence protest like Martin Luther King Jr. There shouldn't be riots because when people burn down building and shoot in the streets they are harming their neighborhood not the athority.
ReplyDelete"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me."
ReplyDeleteI think Martin Niemoller meant that he didn't speak up to help any of the other because, he seemed to think that it was none of his business or because he wasn't any of the demographics he named… When it all came back to him, there was no one, no one to stand up for him help him, everyone was eliminated. There was no one to save him.
I think he does regret not committing civil disobedience, for me I say that because if he would have when he probably needed help he would of had someone to support him, to help him in his time of need, instead if leaving him in the dirty. I do think if they had people to commit civil disobedience then the outcome of the Holocaust time period would've been different. For example:
~ There would of been more people that would've realized that what the Nazis were doing weren't right.
~ The holocaust probably wouldn't have lasted as long as it did
I feel that civil obedience does have a place in society with all the riots and protest that have made their way into the public's attention. Over the many decades that have passed you see how society has shaped itself from the people that endure in it.
In my opinion I think that Martin Niemoller meant by his quote that you can’t speak for others or anyone else but you can only speak for yourself because you will be the only person who would speak out for you. In the quote Martin talked about how they came for Socialists and he did not speak. He also said how they came for Trade Unionists and he did not speak, then they came for him and again he did not speak. I believe that Martin wishes that he spoke up for himself and committed civil disobedience because he wasn’t able to express his thoughts and how he felt. If Martin would’ve spoken up he would not have only helped himself but others who were going through the same thing as him.
ReplyDeleteNo I don’t civil disobedience would’ve changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany because if they were to do this it would only make the Nazi’s even more mad than what the already were. This wouldn’t solve anything because it would either make the Nazi’s kill them or put them in a concentration camp. I don’t think the Nazi’s would have enough sympathy to listen to the Jews if they were to committee civil disobedience because of the orders they were given by Hitler. Even if the Nazi’s felt sorry for the Jews they wouldn’t help them because they would probably be afraid of what Hitler would do if he found out. I believe civil disobedience has a place in society, but I believe there is a right and wrong way to do it. The wrong way of civil disobedience is starting riots and burning places down things like that. I don’t believe this is right because by us doing this we are making them use their weapons on us and they feel like it’s okay and say its self-defense. The right way of civil disobedience is having peaceful protest without violence. If we do this they can’t use weapons, but if they do they can’t say its self-defense and they would be in the wrong and not us.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion Martin Niemoller’s quote means that when the Nazi were doing bad things towards these groups he didn't say anything because it didn't mess or interfere with him. Then when they came for him no one stepped in and helped like he should have done with the other groups .Martin Niemoller made a big mistake when he didn't stand up for what he believed was wrong , and he suffered from that. From this quote , you can l infer that he did regret not committing acts of civil disobedience because no one did it for him since he didn't do it for them . Martin Niemoller reaped what he had sewed , and he regretted it.The Jews were treated very unfairly , and civil disobedience could have stopped their unfair pain . Civil disobedience did help the Jews because it gave them back their freedom .
When the Holocaust was occurring the Jews lost a lot of their born rights because of Hitler’s laws , but with civil disobedience they got it back. Civil disobedience also helped them overpower Hitler , the man who started the Holocaust .Civil Disobedience does have a place in the world because its way to get was unjustified to justified . Civil Disobedience is a way for people to show what they do not feel is humane or wrong in the world towards a group of people . Civil Disobedience is like a unplanned vote against something that the people don't agree . Civil Obedience will help the world stay fair in different ways ,if handled correctly.
By this quote I think Martin Niemoller that when others were in need for support and needed people to speak up, he wasn’t going to help because he wasn’t apart of that group. Even though he knew what was going on was wrong he still did not help just because of the simple fact, he wasn’t apart of that group. I think he does regrets that he did not commit “civil disobedience” because in that case if he were to be well known as a supporter against wrong things, then people would trust him and would want to help him also. I believe he was scared. Even though they were protesting/speaking against these bad things, he probably still thought he was going to get hurt along with the Jews. He saw what his people, Jews, were capable of, so he decided to not get involved because he was a supporter of Hitler and they could turn on him too. Although he didn’t get involved, he still knew that what Nazis were doing was wrong.
ReplyDeleteYes, I believe civil disobedience could have changed the outcome to the Jews in Nazi Germany. I say this because if more people, such as Germans, would have spoken out then they could have made a change. Referring back to Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement, he made a big change by just speaking with a huge group of supporters and not fighting. Also, people today are speaking peacefully in the community and getting a change. If people come all together on a agreement then they could make a huge change. In Germany, they didn’t many of those types of people, so they were terribly treated for 12 years. Civil disobedience definitely has a place in society. I say this because if people starting fighting for something or stop doing something that helps the U.S, they’re going to notice and see what’s going on. If the people carry the situation out peacefully, they may get a result which will benefit them in many ways.
I think Martin Niemoller ment since he didn't speak out for the others that there was nobody left to speak out for him. From observing and thinking deeply about the quote, I think he regrets not speaking out for the other victims. It's like a quote in the bible, "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully." I personally believe that Martin Niemoller strongly regretted not speaking out and doing what's right and helping others. When he was in need of help there was nobody left to help him because he hadn't helped them and he was alone. It's like treating your children right because when u get old in the long run they can help you out and provide for you like you did them. In Martin Niemollers situation if he hadv'e helped the victims they would've surely helped him out in his time of need. Even at such a young age I regret things, so I know at an much older age he must really regret not speaking out, and committing civil disobedience.
ReplyDeleteIf Americans or the Germans that didn't like what was happening to the Jews would have spoke out, the death rate would have been nearly as high as it was and the genocide would have ended quicker. Since no one spoke out about what they felt was right, lots of people's lives were taken. This could have been prevented with the right form of civil disobedience. Here's an example different civil forms of disobedience. What's going on in Boston is the worst type of civil disobedience and is dumb and doesn't solve anything. The right civil disobedience is the peaceful protesting that went on in New York, because of a black male (Eric Garner) being suffocated to death by and officer and clearly saying I can't breathe. The protesting they did for that man is the right way of civil disobedience. Without civil disobedience everybody would basically be following accepting and thinking the same thing and rules. Civil disobedience can change laws to the way people see fit in their eyes. Standing up for what's right is what civil disobedience should be about. Therefore civil disobedience should always have a place in our society.
In my opinion I believe Martin Niemoller meant by his quote was that, you have to speak up for yourself because no one can be yourself except you. As he stated in his quote “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist.” The Socialists are to speak up for themselves and no one else to speak for them. He then said, “Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist.” The Trade Unionist are suppose to speak for themselves just as Martin Niemoller is to speak for himself. I do believe that he may regret that he didn’t commit civil disobedience because if he would’ve lived through the lifestyle as others and committed to society then, he would’ve spoke up for himself. The civil disobedience would’ve been a way he could’ve shown his voice instead of just inhaling everything without saying anything.
ReplyDeleteI do believe civil disobedience have changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany because the solution of their situation were very different than each other. Although in each event someone died, the Jews in Nazi Germany had a numerous amount of more deaths. But the way the situations happened were different because in Nazi Germany at least five million people died and the way they died was very harsh. The way the civil disobedience happened was cruel but it wasn’t as near as crucial as the Nazi Germany and not that many people died during the civil disobedience. Civil disobedience does have a place of society which is, civil disobedience occurs when someone doesn’t agree with something that the law is. So they take it in their own hands and express to people what they feel is right. For example, the people in Baltimore committed civil disobedience because they didn’t agree with the actions the police officer made. The civil disobedience that occurred in Ferguson was committed because of an action a police officer made to someone with no order of doing so. In conclusion, disobedience should always be in the community but only when it is granted peacefully.
In my opinion I believe Martin Niemoller meant by his quote was that, you have to speak up for yourself because no one can be yourself except you. As he stated in his quote “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist.” The Socialists are to speak up for themselves and no one else to speak for them. He then said, “Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist.” The Trade Unionist are suppose to speak for themselves just as Martin Niemoller is to speak for himself. I do believe that he may regret that he didn’t commit civil disobedience because if he would’ve lived through the lifestyle as others and committed to society then, he would’ve spoke up for himself. The civil disobedience would’ve been a way he could’ve shown his voice instead of just inhaling everything without saying anything.
ReplyDeleteI do believe civil disobedience have changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany because the solution of their situation were very different than each other. Although in each event someone died, the Jews in Nazi Germany had a numerous amount of more deaths. But the way the situations happened were different because in Nazi Germany at least five million people died and the way they died was very harsh. The way the civil disobedience happened was cruel but it wasn’t as near as crucial as the Nazi Germany and not that many people died during the civil disobedience. Civil disobedience does have a place of society which is, civil disobedience occurs when someone doesn’t agree with something that the law is. So they take it in their own hands and express to people what they feel is right. For example, the people in Baltimore committed civil disobedience because they didn’t agree with the actions the police officer made. The civil disobedience that occurred in Ferguson was committed because of an action a police officer made to someone with no order of doing so. In conclusion, disobedience should always be in the community but only when it is granted peacefully.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me."
ReplyDelete---Martin Niemoller
I think that Martin is saying that when they came for a certain group, he didn't help. However, when they came for him, nobody could help him. I think that Martin regrets not committing civil disobedience because if he helped the other people then they would help him as he helped them. I believe that civil disobedience has changed the situation for the Jews because by causing chaos the Nazi were distracted. Also, other countries were hunting down Hitler. Without their help, Jews would be going through much worse.I think that civil disobedience has a place in society because if there is a law that goes against our belief then we shouldn't have to follow it. Also, we should not have to follow a law that is unjust our unfair. Overall,I think civil disobedience has a place in society.
I believe that Martin Niemoller meant by his quote that as a pastor, he was expected to speak out against the injustice of all people, including the Jews. However, during that time, the church took the position not to get involved in politics. At the time, he felt that he was doing the right thing. Therefore, he remained silent. This stance was troubling to those who witnessed his non-involvement. Nevertheless, when the Nazi came after him, he expected people to rally around him, especially being a man of the cloth. To his dismay, he found himself alone. Had he practiced his teachings of the church, in regards to helping all of mankind, then maybe he would not have felt so isolated.
ReplyDeleteAs for Civil Disobedience, I believe that Martin Niemoller had regrets. His conscience got the best of him, when he stood in the shoes of those he turned his back on. I do believe that Civil Disobedience would have changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany. By there being so many Jews, they could have spoken up against what was going on. They also could have led peaceful protests against those who were imprisoned. Civil Disobedience does have a place in society. It is necessary to let those in charge, such as government officials, know that we all should be treated with respect and dignity. Just because they have titles, doesn't mean that we can be treated unfairly. As the saying goes, " If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
Torri Tippett8B
ReplyDeleteI think that Martin Niemoller meant that if you don’t stand up for other people that when it’s time for them to stand up for you they won’t. “Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out –because I was not a Jew.” Even though they were not coming for him he should have helped because it was not right for them to punish the Jews for their beliefs. He was saying that since they took everyone away and he did not help then there was no one to try and stand up for him, so he should have stood up and tried to help them in their time of need. Even if the wrong is not being focused in your path sooner or later they will come after you so stand up for those in need so when it comes your time they will for you. I think that he does regret that he did not commit “civil disobedience”. I say this because if he had then maybe he would not be stuck there with no one to help him. Maybe then he could have gotten some more people on board to go against Hitler and could have stopped it before it became bad for the Jews. Then he would have someone there to help him.
Yes, I do believe that “civil disobedience” changed the outcome of the Jews in Nazi Germany. I say this because without it the Holocaust could still be going on today or could have gone on much longer than it did. People stood up for what they believed in and stopped them. People resisting arrest proves that people have a mind for themselves and they know that they should not be put in punished for their beliefs.
Yes civil disobedience has a big place in society. I say this because people speak their minds a lot publicly if they disagree with something that is happening around them. For example the people in Ferguson they rioted because they did not agree with how the police officer killed the young man. Everywhere in the world people have their own opinion about how things should be done. They speak out to the world and to other people to get their support. They do small things such as posting it on Facebook to burning down buildings they all just want their voice heard.
I think Martin Niemoller's quote means that whenever the Nazi's were attacking a certain group, he didn't stand up for them. He felt like it had nothing to do with him, but once they came for him, nobody was there to stand up for him. It's like you get what you give. If you give nothing, you'll receive nothing in return. I do believe that he regretted the way he reacted to the Nazi's targeting a certain group, he could've helped them. But he didn't, so when they came for him, nobody was there for him. And he could've used that help. Civil disobedience played a very huge role in this situation.
ReplyDeleteDuring the time of the Holocaust, the Jews were at a disadvantage. They couldn't do many things, and let alone they were tortured. It was all because of Hitler and the way his mind was set up. Civil disobedience helped the Jews overpower Hitler. It gave the Jews a chance to speak up, defend themselves as a whole. Yes, civil disobedience does have a place in this society. It's a way to show that something is incredibly wrong and unjust. Basically to turn something wrong into a right. With civil disobedience, the Jews stepped up as ONE.
ReplyDeleteIn this quote, I think Martin Niemoller is trying to say that when there were other issues he didn’t act on them or try to improve them because it simply didn’t concern him. But now that he needs help and needs someone to correct an issue he is concerned with, their is no one left to stand for him. When there were people who could’ve desperately used the support of another he could’ve been there, but he wasn’t. I don’t think he necessarily regrets not committing civil disobedience, but he does regret not helping stand up for an issue in society that didn’t involve him but did involve others. Acting out doesn’t always make more of a difference than doing what’s right. Simply by standing and walking with the people as the [protested Niemoller could’ve been helpful.
In the situation of the Holocaust and dealing with the Nazis I think civil disobedience would’ve only caused more deaths. Provoking Nazi and German leaders would only had the end result of making them more strict and trying to get the point across by killing more Jews along with those who tried to defend them. Civil disobedience does have a place in history. We know this because just as every action has a reaction, every act of civil obedience will either result in backfire or it will positively affect the situation. We have seen many acts of this just within a recent time period. They each have a different on society and community. And unfortunately sometimes civil disobedience is affective and does work for the people. Which is sad because why should there have to be so much destruction for just a little improvement.
I believe that Martin Niemoller meant that there are many people who are afraid to stand up for what they believe in. When people don’t speak up or fight for what they believe in, instead of the issue being resolved or pushed to the side, the issue worsens. It also means that we as people are ok with unjust treatment as long as it isn’t done to us. When we see that something is wrong or that something is unfair, instead of standing up and fighting, we as people watch it and say nothing until it gets to the point that it affects us. We don’t care that it is greatly affecting others because as long as it doesn’t interfere with us or our race we think that it doesn’t matter. However, that isn’t the case. I believe that Martin Niemoller does regret not committing civil obedience because he probably feels that he could have helped the Jews and others who were discriminated against in some way. I believe that along with many others Martin Niemoller believes that he could have helped prevent the social unjust that happened towards Jews and other social/racial undesirables. I believe that he feels/felt guilty about the entire thing because he was living the country that gave such terror to others not quite like him.
ReplyDeleteI believe that civil disobedience could have changed the outcome of what happened to Jews and others discriminated against during the Holocaust in Nazi Germany because it probably could have either stopped the Holocaust completely or prevented so many deaths from happening. I believe that if Jews had fought back or even did something like what Martin Luther King Jr. did there would have been a greater outcome than what there was. Many Jews and others were discriminated against because of their religion or their way of life and instead of speaking out or doing something about it many of them just stood and watched everything unfold and did nothing to stop it regardless of it happening to them or people they knew.Very few actually tried to fight back on what they felt was unjust treatment and if more had fought back there probably would have been less unjust treatment and more Nazis looking on their actions and realizing that they were wrong. Civil disobedience is something that is widely known, although, not many know that what they are doing is classified as civil disobedience. Some may think that they are just standing up for what they believe is right like Martin Luther King Jr did not knowing that it is labeled as civil disobedience. However, people who are creating acts of civil disobedience are sometimes missing the peaceful part of a protest but continue to say they are continuing the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. There are two forms of civil disobedience that are widely used in the United States, a peaceful protest and a violent riot. For the last decade or so many unjust killings or beatings where the person in the wrong is let go no matter how cruel their crime was had resulted in many riots, in which very few are peaceful. Although there are times when civil disobedience is wrong, without I believe that we would be far worse off than what we are now.
I feel that Martin Niemoller ment that this quote pertains to what happens if you do not speak up. When the Nazis came for the Socialists Martin did not speak up and just stood by. When the Nazis came for the Unionists and the Jews, he sat back and didn't say a word. But when the Nazis came after him, there was no one there to speak up for him. He didn't speak up for anyone else, therefore, leading to no one speaking up for him. I do not think that he does regret committing civil disobedience. I say this because if he committed civil disobedience for others, the other people would have no problem doing the same thing for him. Treat others the way you would want to be treated, and I think that Martin should have done so.
ReplyDeleteI do not think that civil disobedience would have changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany. I say this because if some of the Jews tried to rebel against Hitler's rules, they would be killed anyway. Instead of being sent to concentration camp to rot and die, they'd be killed on the spot by Hitler's men. Hitlers plan was to exterminate the Jewish “race”, rebelling would have just made it easier. I believe that civil disobedience does have a place in society. It's place is the place that comes before peaceful protest. I say this because where there is protest there is rebellion, and I feel that civil disobedience is the match to a huge fireworks display if peaceful protest and violent protest.
ReplyDeleteI think what Martin Niemoller means by this quote is that if you want someone to help you, you have to help them regardless the situation at hand. In the quote, Martin states “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist.” Even though he was not a Socialist, he regrets not helping them out, because they may have helped him when he needed help. He also said, “Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist.” No matter what social group or organization you are a part of, you should never neglect the others because you never know when you might need them. I believe he regrets he did not commit civil disobedience because if he would have, he could have contributed in doing the right thing the wrong way, instead of doing the wrong thing the right way. You have to stand for what’s right even though you probably don’t believe in it because fellow citizens believe in it. I believe civil disobedience change the outcome of the Nazis and the Jews because them participating in civil disobedience caused millions of innocent people to lose their lives. Also, civil disobedience in Nazi Germany caused so much chaos with the religions involved in this event because we have turned our backs on our brethrens. Civil disobedience has a place in society, and we see it occur everyday. For example, in school students will not agree with the rule no talking so of course we are going to talk regardless of what our teachers say. Another example is the law of talking/texting on the phone while driving, people still do this because they do what they want. Even though it’s not the right thing to do, people still do it either way it goes.
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ReplyDeleteI think the meaning of Martin Niemoller's quote was that you cannot sit by and acknowledge people doing wrong because when you are treated unjusticely there wouldn't be anyone to stand up and take charge when you are being mistreated.Therefore stand up for others because one day you might need someone to stand up for you. Just like the Jews needed someone to stand up for them.Yes, I do think that he regrets not committing civil disobedience because he knew all alone it was wrong and at the end there was no one to fight for his wrong doing when he needed them. And he probably regretted it because it made him feel bad because no one was there for him. Yes, I do believe that civil obedience could've changed what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany because if people would've stood up for the Jews losing their rights and the other simple things the holocaust would've ended earlier or it probably wouldn't even have started. I do agree that civil disobedience takes place in todays society today because just like in Baltimore an injustice act happened to a young black male but there are all races fighting to find justice for the injustice act. And even like the march across the Pettus Bridge it took more than just blacks to change it took everyone to stand up and march. Thats an act of civil-disobedience.
Delete"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me."
ReplyDelete---Martin Niemoller, Christian Pastor and Theologian in Nazi Germany
In my opinion I believe that Martin Niemoller means that he was surprise that no one was their to help him when the Nazis came for him. He believed that he shouldn't have helped since he wasn't a Jew or a Trade Unionist or a Socialist. In life you get what you give and in this case Martin gave no attention towards those who were being captured so no one gave him no attention when it was his time to be captured. I believe that he didn't regret committing civil obedience because if he did then he wouldn't have had a problem helping out those who were being brought towards the Nazis. In this case he had a problem helping out others and soon suffered the consequences which was getting captured.
I believe that civil disobedience wouldn't change the outcome of what happened to the Jewish society. I believe this because if the Jewish society were to take a stand against the Nazis then the Nazis would overpower them and take away their lives easily Instead of taking them to concentration camps,they would instantly be shot down or gas down because the Jews are the ones who have no type of weapon to defend themselves. I believe that civil disobedience has a place in society because there are a group of people right now that believe that things that the authority does is a sign of injustice because they feel that their race is being dignified beneath them. Instead of causing negative energy into your act of civil disobedience. You could make your voice be head in a positive way instead causing riots and burning down the homes of those who live in them. I believe that with civil disobedience you can get a better outcome in your society but do it in a positive way.
I think Martin meant by this quote is that he can’t speak for anyone but himself. He is not them so he cant take their spot. Everyone has their own voice, so whether you choose to speak up or don’t you are the only person entitled to your name.Either stay quiet or speak for you is what I think best refers to what Martin is trying to say in his quote. I think he might not regret using civil disobedience because in my logic everything happens for a reason so, let it happen. You never know what the outcome would be. I also does think he regrets not using civil disobedience because you shouldn’t stay quiet on your opinion. You should voice it, because you have your own ability,creativity, and mind to make things better.
ReplyDeleteI think civil disobedience wouldn’t have worked for the Jews in Nazi Germany. It would only have cause more deaths, and brutal situations.You are only making the Nazis mad, so it would have been just an unpleasant sight to see.On the other hand there probably were some Germans who was forced, not so much force but the only way they could survive.It was the orders giving from Hitler. There was that poor excuse used to kill the Jews were that they were why the Germans stuff was going wrong. Now please tell me what type of sense that made. YOU are the only one that can make you either do good or bad. You cant push your problems onto innocent people.I was always told leave your problems where they came from. That means if you are having a bad day, dont yell at anyone because a person made you mad, yell at that person.I think civil disobedience dosent have a place in society because my first example is African Americans marched on the Selma bridge peacefully just to get attacked,beaten,etc. My next example is in present day the tables have turned, now you have African americans using violence, it is still not stopping anything. People will continue doing them, and be unbothered.The only way we will have change is when the upper people (people who have more power) decided to make a change.
I feel that Martin Niemoller tried to portray his excuses he gave himself that stopped him from doing the right thing. In the quote, he states that he was not any of the people that were being taken away, so he didn't speak out on their behalf. To him, speaking up would've meant imprisonment, so for his benefit, he stayed quiet. However, karma came back to him when it was turn for his capture, no one spoke for him. I do feel that he regrets not committing to "civil disobedience." He regrets not standing up for others because he was then in their position, and he realized how much he would like someone's help. With that, he realized that he could've been that person for someone else. He realizes he could've been the help someone needed. Unfortunately, it was too late at the time of his realization, for the damage had already been done.
ReplyDeleteI feel that perhaps civil disobedience could've helped the Jews vs. the Nazis. If there were tons of people who opposed their treatment, they could've override Hitler at his early stages. At the beginning of the Nazi formation, they were only a small group, so with the right amount of protesting, they could've been dismissed. However, I don't think it would've worked so much after their conquer of Germany. They were so powerful, so they could have easily sent those people to prison or camps. But I suppose there is always risks when doing the right thing. I do feel that civil disobedience has a place in our society, with all the hate crimes happening recently, a lot of protesting have been going on. Some may be a little outrageous, but others are quite peaceful, hence the word civil. I wouldn’t say that civil disobedience receives as much attention as it should, but it definitely makes a difference. Without the peaceful protests of the Civil Rights movement, I don’t think they would've received their rights as fast as they did. As much as people disagree, civil disobedience does make a difference.
I think that Martin was trying to say that he speaking out wasn't the best thing to do, so he didn't. He thought that speaking out would make the Nazis mad and that is why they were sent to camps. He was wrong, he was going to be sent away regardless, he didn't know what was going to happen. I bet when he was on a train being sent to a camp he had second thoughts. He probably then thought that he should've spoke out and regretted not doing so. Speaking out would not have done much because the Nazis were still going to fulfill their purpose, eliminating all Jews in Europe, but why not try they had nothing to lose then. Civil disobedience wouldn't have change the Nazi's minds about how they felt about the Jews. They still would,ve carried out their plans. Civil disobedience doesn't thave that big of a place in today's society. Although we see people tearing up their own neighborhood, its not going to do anything. Ehat I think is that it is just like a baby giving a tamptrum and the parents, in this case government, will come in and try to make it calm. The quiet ones will be noticed more because they aren't making anyone mad, it worked will Dr.King. If we keep doing it like we have it won't be too long before someone else is killed.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Martin Niemoller meant that when they were coming for the other groups no one stood up for them,so when they came for him there was no one left to vouch for him. I think Martin regretted not acting in civil disobedience because he could have made a difference, while instead he just watched as many other groups being slaughtered , tortured, and killed, instead of speaking out against it. In return, when it was his turn to receive his dished out actions ( karma ), there was no one else able to speak for him. I believe that in his position he should have stood up and spoke because with doing this there would have been people to stand with him, who knows he could have possibly changed the outcome.I don’t think he necessarily regrets not committing civil disobedience, but he does regret not helping stand up for an issue in society that didn’t involve him but did injustice acts. Because in situation civil disobedience isn't always the answer because in this instance they would've possibly been killed in their very spots or even brutalized. But if its as important as you feel it is than all you have to do is simply by standing up.
ReplyDeleteI believe that civil disobedience would not have helped what happened with the Nazi's in Germany because there would have to be much violence to have done this act peacefully. Many people in Germany had to die almost instantly because of their beliefs,religions, ethnicity, etc which I believe that just standing up wouldn't have been enough. Another reason civil disobedience would not have made a change in Germany with the Nazi's is because these humans filled with hatred where already content with there decision to blame the Jews and anyone else who they just didn't like such as the Jehovah Witness and the Gypsies.Civil disobedience does have a place in society because now in the world as soon as something happen such as Mike Brown' death, people are so quick to protest which subsequently turns to rioting.Everyone was fighting, more peacefully than most, but as they felt they were being ignored it got worse. Here is proof in that, that civil disobedience is and always was truly apart of society.How on Earth can we live free, if we are living constantly in disobedience and injudiciousness? It is practically impossible.
In my opinion I believe Martin Niemoller meant by his quote was that, you have to to speak up for yourself, because it is every man for themselves. In the quote is says, "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew” so that means that even if they would have took him first he wouldn’t have anyone to speak up for him because he was not any of the three. I do believe that he may regret that he didn’t commit civil disobedience because if he would’ve committed it, he would’ve spoke up for himself. Instead of waiting on someone to speak for him. The civil disobedience would’ve been a way he could’ve shown his voice instead of just inhaling everything without saying anything.
ReplyDeleteI do believe civil disobedience has changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany because in Nazi Germany they let people starve till they died. Then in civil disobedience people still died but not as many people died in such vicious ways.Civil disobedience does have a place of society which is, civil disobedience occurs when someone doesn’t agree with something that happened. So they take it in their own hands and show people how they feel. Such as the people in Baltimore took it into civil disobedience to protest because they thought it was an unfair call against the policemen because they thought the policeman should have been arrested for assaulting the man they assaulted.
In my opinion I believe Martin Niemoller meant by his quote was that, you have to to speak up for yourself, because it is every man for themselves. In the quote is says, "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew” so that means that even if they would have took him first he wouldn’t have anyone to speak up for him because he was not any of the three. I do believe that he may regret that he didn’t commit civil disobedience because if he would’ve committed it, he would’ve spoke up for himself. Instead of waiting on someone to speak for him. The civil disobedience would’ve been a way he could’ve shown his voice instead of just inhaling everything without saying anything.
ReplyDeleteI do believe civil disobedience has changed the outcome of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany because in Nazi Germany they let people starve till they died. Then in civil disobedience people still died but not as many people died in such vicious ways.Civil disobedience does have a place of society which is, civil disobedience occurs when someone doesn’t agree with something that happened. So they take it in their own hands and show people how they feel. Such as the people in Baltimore took it into civil disobedience to protest because they thought it was an unfair call against the policemen because they thought the policeman should have been arrested for assaulting the man they assaulted.
In my opinion I believe that Martin Niemoller see that it's okay for you to stand up for what you believe me. civil obedience he has changed over the years because for example the Nazis trapped Jews in gas chambers but would tell them they were in there to take a shower. Now, in Ferguson people are flipping over cars and burning buildings just to show justice and speak up . Martin Niemoller didn't speak up because the situation did not involve him. The quote stated "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me. This quote says a lot because he didn't stand up for others because it didn't involve him but when he was effected there was none to stand up for him.
ReplyDeleteMarch 9, 2022 The same thing is happening now in Ukraine. The US should stop the Russian invasion. These people should not be allowed to suffer at the hands of the evil Russians. We have to intervene or we will be next. Help us please Jesus.