Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Extra Credit: Which Action Takes More Courage?

In class we have participated in a Socratic Circle about the recent incidents involving the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases.  Cases like these cause us to reflect on not only the effectiveness of our justice system, but also how we are to exercise our right to protest.  In recent days we have seen two forms of protest at work:  non-violent and violence.  Which is more effective?  Today in class we discussed and looked at a video about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  You were to take notes in class, answering several questions.  Using your notes, respond to the following:
Is it braver to protest non-violently or with force?  Which takes more courage?
Fulfill the following requirements:
  • Post your response to the classroom blog
  • Write a fully developed paragraph (at least 8-10 sentences) that fully explores this question
  • Give at least three reasons to support your answer.
  • Must be posted by midnight, Friday, December 19, 2014 in order to receive extra credit

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Introduce the World to Roman Emperors!!!

Introduce the World to Roman Emperors!!!
Rome’s history is full of emperors and rulers who either led Rome down the path to glory or the road to destruction.  This is why Rome was so great!  For this project you are going to teach everyone about a Roman emperor.  You are to complete the following instructions:

·        Choose a Roman emperor – no repeats in one class

·        You must create a brochure with the following headings

o   Biography

o   Details of his reign

o   Significant event that happened during his reign

o   Greatest achievement

o   One topic of your choice

·        Must include at least five (5) pictures

·        Absolutely NO plagiarism!!!

·        Must NOT be a flyer, it needs to be brochure

·        Due Wednesday, January 7, 2015

·        Make sure to have your emperor approved.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Alexander the Great???

We have been studying Alexander the Great in class.  We have learned about his many accomplishments as well as some of his disappointments.  So the question remains:  Was Alexander the Great....well, great?  Using the primary sources you received in class, I want you to assume the persona of one of the historical figures and write a letter to Alexander.  Tell him whether you believe he is "great" but make sure to use textual evidence to explain why or why not.  You will post this letter on the blog under "Comments".  Make sure to complete the following:

  • Must be completed in first person
  • Allude to at least two historical facts, events, people, etc.
  • Your persona must be one of the people from the primary sources
  • Use the primary source to create your letter, i.e., YOU are that person, you are just writing another letter.
  • Must be at least two paragraphs (6-8 sentences per paragraph)
  • Due by Friday, December 5, 2014.
Remember your topic question:  WAS ALEXANDER THE GREAT REALLY "GREAT"?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blog Assignment: Should Teens Be Tried As Adults?

In class we have been studying the juvenile court system.  Is it fair that teens be tried as adults?  The United States has been criticized and praised across the globe for their treatment of children and teens in the judicial system.  You have read articles in class discussing opinions from both sides of this issue.  Discuss your opinion on the blog.  Do you think teens should be tried as adults?  Use the graphic organizer from class to write your opinion on this issue.  Here are the requirements:

  1. Your response must be posted by Monday, December 1, 2014.
  2. You must first state your claim.
  3. Give at least three details to support your answer.  They must be EXPLAINED, NOT LISTED.  Make sure you do not repeat your reasons.
  4. Include your rebuttal statement.  State what the opposing side believes.  Give two reasons why you believe the opposing side's statement is wrong.
  5. Give a conclusion.
  6. Do not post anything inappropriate; use the same discretion you would if you were submitting a paper for class.
  7. This will count as a "mini-project" grade.
  8. If you post after the due date, points will be taken off for every day it is late.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. 

***Copies of the articles can be found on the W.J. Christian website on my teacher page.***

Friday, September 19, 2014

How Television Has Effected Politics

Television has played a vita role in presidential elections since the 1960s.  Watch the televised debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.  After watching the video, write a response answering the following questions:

1.  Which candidate do you think  benefited the most by this televised debate? Give at least two reasons to support your answer.

2.  Why would television work to these candidates advantage better than newspapers at the time? Give at least two reasons to support your answer.

3.  Do you see any bias in this debate?  Give your opinion and support it with two examples.

This must be typed, size 12, Times New Roman, double-spaced. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

7th Grade - Government and Civics

Government and Civics



Throughout this course and school year you will study about several types of governments and how they have shaped many countries, economies and cultures.  You are going to research one of these types of government and “teach” the class about its structure and influences. 

Select a type of government to research.  The government must exist now or have existed in the 1900s.  You are going to research this government for the following information (but you are not limited to this):
·         Who is the head of the government?
·         What is the structure?
·         What is the economy?
·         Do people have rights?
·         What are the benefits to this type of government?
·         What are the drawbacks to this type of government?
·         What countries have this government?

Once you have done your research, select pictures that represent the aspects of the government.  The pictures should reflect what you have learned and researched.  Once the pictures have been chosen, you will cover the outside of your notebook with them, creating a visual image that depicts aspects of the government.  You must also do an oral presentation where you will tell about the pictures you have chosen and what they say about the government.  In order to receive full credit you must have the following:
·         You must cover seven out of seven of the items listed above
·         The government must be within the time parameters given above.
·         You must have NO LESS than ten pictures
·         You must be able to explain each picture and how it pertains to the topic
·         Make it neat and creative
·         Little effort means a lower grade
·         Your oral report must be clear; you should know the material.  Points will be taken off it seems   
       you are unprepared or not knowledgeable.

Points will be awarded on the following:
·         Creativity
·         Originality
·         Pictures
·         Relevancy of Pictures
·         Oral Presentation (were you knowledgeable, prepared, etc.)
·         Speaking in a clear, loud voice during oral presentation

This counts as a “Project” grade.  It is worth 125 points. 
This is due Monday, September 1, 2014. 
Submit your selection of government by Friday, August 22, 2014
No excuses or late assignments will be taken.

8th Grade - Civilizations and Societies Project and Oral Presentation

Civilizations and Societies



Throughout this course and school year you will study about several civilizations and societies that have shaped many cultures that exist today.  You are going to research one of these civilizations and “teach” the class about its culture. 


Select a civilization or society to research.  The civilization can be from prehistoric times up until the Renaissance.  You are going to research this civilization or society for the following themes:

  • Culture
    • Traditions
    • Arts
    • Literature
    • Dress
    • Food
    • Customs
  • Religion
  • Government
  • Military
  • Family Structures

 Once you have researched the civilization, select pictures that represent these aspects of the culture.  The picture should reflect what you have learned and researched.  Once the pictures have been chosen, you will cover the outside of your notebook with them, creating a visual image that depicts aspects of the civilization.  You must also do an oral presentation where you will tell about the pictures you have chosen and what they say about the civilization.  In order to receive full credit you must have the following:

  • You must cover eight out of ten of the items listed above
  • The civilization must be within the time parameters given above.
  • You must have NO LESS than ten pictures
  • You must be able to explain each picture and how it pertains to the topic
  • Make it neat and creative
  • Little effort means a lower grade
  • Your oral report must be clear; you should know the material.  Points will be taken off it seems you are unprepared or not knowledgeable.
Points will be awarded for the following:

  • Creativity
  • Originiality
  • Pictures
  • Relevancy of Pictures
  • Oral Presentation (were you knowledgeable, prepared, etc.)
  • Speaking in a clear, loud voice during oral presentation

 This counts as a “Project” grade.  It is worth 125 points. 

This is due Thursday, August 28, 2014. 

No excuses or late assignments will be taken.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Russia vs. Ukraine vs. the World

In order to complete your essay, you may want to review the videos we watched in class.